Digital Footprint 2019

1) How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

The digital footprint could impact your future by getting you into or not letting you into a university. ‘They could love your G.P.A., but then see your twitter posts.’ – Natasha Singer. You could get cut from admissions for that reason. It could also be your helper and get you into your university of choice over someone else. Your digital footprint could be important for getting into your first job. You could do great during the interview, have a great resume, but the second you potential employer googles your name, they see some questionable stuff, and you’re cut from potential employees.

2) Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

One strategy for staying safe online and maintaining a good digital footprint/portfolio is having a secure password on your social media and not letting whoever follow/friend you. The best defense is not doing anything to need to defend against.

3) What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

I would tell other students that creating a positive digital footprint is the best way to combat the fact that other people have your name and already have a digital footprint, potentially a bad one. That way you can fight against the occasion of your future potential employer finding something someone else did and thinking it was you.



Photo 1: David Magnusson

Photo 2: David Magnusson

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