Science 10 H – Science Wonder Enquiry Project

How can scientists figure out what a celestial body is made of without ever having a physical sample of it?

[Paragraph1: What is spectroscopy?]

Spectroscopy is the branch of science concerning analysis, investigation, and measurement of spectra produced by splitting the light that passes through a gas into its constituent wavelengths. While the study isn’t solely used in astronomy, particularly finding itself uses when studying radiation, its most common field remains astronomy.

Spectroscopy began its roots in 1666 when Sir Isaac Newton showed that light from the sun could be split into a continuous series of colours, dubbing the anomaly a spectrum. Since then, the study has taken off, becoming a staple figure in uncovering details of celestial bodies throughout space.


[Paragraph2: How does spectroscopy function when studying celestial bodies?]

When light goes through gas, the gas absorbs patterns of wavelengths unique to every element. When looking at the absorption spectrum of that light, the wavelengths that were absorbed by the gas don’t appear. In their place are minute gaps where the absorbed wavelengths should be.

Because every element excludes distinct wavelengths from the spectra, the spectra that remain are the element’s spectral fingerprint, as no other element will remove the same pattern of wavelengths.

The study is more profound, as the information collected about the spectra of celestial bodies can show plenty about them. For instance, spectra can show every element that appears in a star, including its composition, density, and temperature.

Emission spectra of Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Iron.

Spectra can even show how stars and planets move, using the effect known as the Doppler effect, where because the incoming light’s wavelength is either stretched towards the red side of the spectrum (which is known as Cosmological Redshift and is an integral part of the Big Bang theory) or compressed towards the blue side of the spectrum because of movement and relativity.

[Paragraph3: Why is spectroscopy important?]

Spectroscopy is relevant because of its use in exploring the cosmos. The Doppler effect, Cosmological Redshift and by extension spectroscopy, are significant to the main theory of how the universe was created, and therefore it’s a vital tool in exploring more about the universe and everything in it.

The study can teach us loads about the fundamentals of how celestial bodies came to be, more about which exoplanets are most sustainable for human life, and rules of how the universe functions.

PHE10 – Health Unit Question

“How will your newly acquired Health 10 knowledge benefit you in the future?”

The thing that I most remember and think will help me most is everything said in the course about contraceptives and STDs. The knowledge is something that will help me for years down the line, mostly because I never would have asked my parents or used the internet about something such as that.

Because I never would have known anything about preservatives or the transferring of STDs, I would likely be in a bad spot later in life as I wouldn’t know anything about STDs and being safe and careful, and therefore make one of the mistakes that would otherwise be prevented with the knowledge gained in the Health unit.

Because of everything I’ve learned, I can (in the future) make informed decisions about my life and be careful around intercourse and the repercussions of it.


But I also learned other things about health, like the importance of eating healthily, sleeping enough (especially as a teenager) and how to get the most of exercise.

Eating healthily can help me by working alongside my new knowledge of exercise to help me improve and be the fittest person I can be, and sleeping enough helps me by making sure I keep growing and keep a level head and good attitude.

They all would help loads during my middle stages of life when spirits are low, exercise isn’t plenty and when I have to work everyday, as the stress levels would be through the roof and all the aforementioned are great stress relievers.


All in all, everything I learned in the past unit in Health 10 will very much help me, and while it won’t all be in the same area, it will all be worth it in the end.

English 9 – Shakespeare – A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Graphic Novel Adaptation

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a play by William Shakespeare written in about 1595. It follows multiple different plot arcs throughout the story, switching between 2 men fighting over different women, the works of a play developed by laborers, and the feud between the King and Queen of the Fairies over a young boy. In the first plot arc, lovers Lysander and Hermia try to work out their relationship amidst her father Egeus attempting to undo it, and the man who her father gave consent, Demetrius, helping Egeus, all the while being followed by Helena, Hermia’s strange friend. For the laborers, they decide to perform the play, ‘The A Very Tragic Comedy about The Horrible Deaths of Pyramus and Thisbe’, for the Duke and Duchess, Theseus and Hippolyta, on their wedding night. Tragedy strikes however, when the play’s lead, Nick Bottom, is found with a donkey’s head and is left in the forest. The feud between Oberon and Titania grows when Oberon puts Titania into a trance where she falls in love with Nick Bottom, who has a donkey’s head. The love potion he uses messes up the story for the other 2 arcs, mish-mashing them together. In the end, the problems are all solved, and Lysander and Hermia, Demetrius and Helena, and Theseus and Hippolyta watch the play given by the laborers.