Monologue Video – “Flipper can’t swim”

Here is the text version of my monologue:

Why do people keep asking me to go swimming with them? Like I can’t swim, and you can’t wear a jacket in the pool. Also, its my hand, its missing 2 fingers and it looks scary to others. I can’t go showing my claw in public or “Flipper” will be revived. (That was a nick name given to me from some Nasty rats cause of my hand).

I am a pretty chill dude but when it comes to my hand I am ready to pick a fight. As you can tell I am not really confident to show it so I just keep it in my pocket. I guess the main reason why don’t know how to swim is because of my hand. Trust me its supper hard not to go swimming in this heat. But I would rather melt than for people to see my left hand. I mean if it had a really cool back story I might be more confident so I made up a few but it still didn’t help. I born with this hand and I cant change it. The only person I feel comfortable showing it to is Duncan, not everyone at the swimming pool.

I guess that’s pretty much it. Just like I said I will gladly beat up whoever brings up my hand. I don’t really prefer to show it though. That’s why I can’t go swimming cause of my claw. It’s ok though cause its not like it really matters. I just hope Duncan doesn’t ask me to go swimming again cause he knows the answer and it anit gonna change unless my hand magically heals which I probably not gonna happen if we are being honest here.



I chose to do my monologue on Vinny because i think he doesn’t get to really explain how he felt in that scene which is also the reason i chose that part of the book. I wanted to show case his point of view about how he thinks people perceive him and how he thinks of himself. A tactic i used to bring Vinny to life from the book to the app was using information i had gathered about him in the book. I reflected his looks by what his personality is like. I think something i could have done better was getting the sound better because it was not very clear. There was a bit of background noise therefore making it difficult to understand what i am trying to say.

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