Week 3- Math 10

For my 3rd week of math 10 one of the things I learned was how to use scientific notation. It is used to calculate big numbers and is a much simpler way to do so. I will show you how to turn a big number like 529000000 into 5.29 x  10^{6}.

For our number I will be using 62800000000.

Step 1- 

Move the decimal from right to left until it is in between the one and ten place.


Step 2- 

Write down the decimal. Count how many times you moved the decimal and make that number to the exponent of 10.



  • If you are moving the decimal to the left the exponent will be negative
  • If you move the decimal to the right the exponent will be positive
  • The first number has to be bigger than 1 and smaller then 10
  • It will be always multiplied by 10

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