Dan's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio


June 12, 2017

IT 10 MS Office projects

  In this project we had to make a mock website of a website that we had interest in. I made a Club 16 mock website in Powerpoint. I wasn’t exact, but it was pretty accurate when it comes to… Continue Reading →

IT 10 Blender projct

In this project we where had to make a model of a kids toy like a train, an airplane, or a car and we had to animate it and create a scene for it. I made a futuristic train sort… Continue Reading →

IT 10 Photoshop Project

In this project we had to mash a super hero of our choice with a Disney character of our choice. I picked Luke Cage as the super hero and the Disney princess Tiana. I learned how to use Photoshop to… Continue Reading →

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