

Right arrow key = Go right
Left arrow key = Go left
Up arrow key = Go up
Down arrow key = Go down

Get through the maze and have fun, pick the right block when you have to pick between two at the last level to send you to the finish screen. (hint, the correct block at the end is the lighter color)

Get the happy apple through the Excellent Maze, explore the Excellent Maze with the apples as you take him to the end of the maze and.
On of the levels has a time limit, meaning that if you do not finish in 20 seconds, you will be sent back to the start of the level. BEWARE

What you learned: I learned how to use scratch, I really didn’t even know what scratch was and that it even existed before we started using it in IT 10. I learned so much more about coding and how to make even a simple game. I’m proud that I could even make a simple maze game because I knew absolutely nothing about code and making games before this class. I am probably going to start finding out how to do more complex things with scratch in my free time because I had so much fun with learning the code in games.

What was challenging: I had a problem with changing the speed of the sprite for one level and then changing it back to the default speed once the level was completed. I found out that I had to send a broadcast telling the game to run a certain script enabling this and afterwards, I had to send another broadcast telling the game to end that script and enable the default speed script. That’s how I solve my challenge.

1 Other thing: I really didn’t feel like I was working because I had so much fun with this project. I definitely will continue to use scratch given that it’s such a well thought out program with a lot of awesome features.

Link to the game