Category Archives: Grade 12

Book Talk: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo makes me completely forget that I’m reading, which, in my opinion, is how a great book should make you feel. It is an instantly engrossing book in part because of the plot, but primarily because of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s writing. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is a story full of mysteries and perfectly executed, captivating scenes. The reader gains insight into Monique, the only journalist permitted to write and publish Evelyn Hugo’s life story because the story itself is not just about Hugo.

This novel was one of the most intricate, tragic, and motivational books I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. Hugo is fierce, strong, and effortlessly beautiful. but though she has all these amazing traits, she is a human, she’s flawed and she makes mistakes. I adored this book and became utterly engrossed in Evelyn Hugo’s extraordinary life. As I followed the Hollywood actress through her decades-long career and her seven spouses, the book sucked me into a world of glitz, beauty, luxury, thrill, and controversy.

I had the distinct impression that I was reading about a real person’s life, not that of a fictional one. And it’s not just because of those seven husbands that it’s such an epic love story. This book was pure entertainment for me and a great way to escape reality. Finest of all, this book provided me the best opportunity to learn about the complexities of trying to be true to yourself in a world that would criticize you for it. It was a narrative of controversy and ambition, but it was also one of identity, love, and scandal. Overall, I believe that this is the ideal book to read for anyone who wants to lose themselves in a fantastic story.