A Fresh loook at the periodic Table


Define/Discover: Trying to recreate the periodic table in an innovated way. How do I organize the elements in a simple yet clever way? How will we give the information of each element (Charge, mass, etc)? How can I make the table more efficient then before?

Dream: Our visual representation of our innovated and simplified periodic table will give anyone willing to learn about science a new perspective on an already perfected table consisting of all chemical elements. It will be organized, neat and colorful.

Design/Deliver: We will be making a Periodic square for the shape of our newly designed periodic table. We also organized the table by using the atomic mass but we also organized it by the state of matter at room temperature. The last way we organized it was by atomic number of the element and by color coding the table. I believe that we changed the periodic table because we made the periodic table easier to understand and more efficient.

Debrief: Our periodic table required a bit of preparation and lots of time but in the end, everyone was satisfied with the result because it is colorful, informative and easy to follow. With the time we had to work on our project we think it was worth every second of our time and our project deserves an A. For next time something we could have worked on was our timing on working because everyone was busy at different times.

One thought on “A Fresh loook at the periodic Table

  1. Thanks for your explanation of how you used the solution fluency to re-imagine the periodic table. Great work including media showing what your periodic table looks like. In the image you included, I don’t see the Temple aspect. I do see some good reflection on the process in your post. How do you think your redesigned periodic table can help Science students understand the elements better?

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