What are some things you have learned and/or tasks you have accomplished this semester? What are some things you have been involved with supporting the school? (Use videos, pictures, upload materials etc. as evidence of learning in your blog)

I have been involved a lot around the school (mainly in green shirts) taking on initiatives within my respective clubs. The reason why I bring this up is that because, in my clubs, I have had to use skills I learned in tech team in those other projects (e.g.) in Greenshirts my group did a lot of work with mask making and using the Cricut. Another thing that I accomplished over the 1st semester is that I had about 75 wave hours from afterschool and at lunch (but I haven’t logged a single one).

What aspects of your work are successful? Explain why.

The aspects of my work that are successful are that my customer service skills have been improving due to people coming to the wave and I learning how to deal with various problems. I find that I am able to help more people and I would call that a success. Also, I was able to help fellow tech team students with their Cricut assignment as well, so, that was satisfying to see.

What aspects of your work are challenging? Explain why.

The aspects of my work that are challenging are that grade 9-10 students come in with weird tech problems (usually) relating to the network, and it is so frustrating when they expect that I can fix it when I can’t. So, the aspects of my work that are challenging are that I have to turn people away.

What steps did you take to overcome these challenges / what adjustments did you need to make?

Some adjustments I have made are that I learned a lot about hardware and for some problems, I can figure it out due to my newfound knowledge of hardware.

Is there anything you can do to improve? (with your approach to the project, or altering the project)

There is always something I can do, however, nothing comes to mind.

As Riverside continues to immerse itself in innovation and technology, what do you think Riverside can do to provide support and help for teachers and students? (Provide specific examples)

  • If you want people to experience something new and creative, you introduce them to Linux
  • Get Herman Miller chairs so tech team students volunteering at the wave are more relaxed
  • We should be using the TV behind the wave more and we should be allowed to be told what the limits on that are
  • Eventually, the school should invest in quality speakers and make it so that teachers aren’t connecting to random speakers
  • Some of our Internet problems may be caused by the school server, so we should update that if possible

Do you have any feedback or suggestions, as we move forward, that could help the Tech Team meet the needs of our school and staff / be more effective? (Provide specific examples)

  • We should be paid minimum wage

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