indigenous podcast – In the Woods
My Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women’s podcast was about Evaline Cameron. Firstly I struggled with the length of my podcast, at the beginning I thought there was enough information about Evaline to make my podcast the full 8-10 minutes however, once I started recording over spring break I realized there were only two websites with the information I could use and that it would not fill out the 8 minutes required but I did not have enough time to pick a new person and restart everything. I also struggled with recording my podcast because I gained a lisp when I got braces last year and listening back you can tell I was having trouble with some words. But despite my difficulties, I enjoyed this project! As someone who is partially first nations (Sioux and Cree), I felt interested the whole time and because of this, I was able to stay focused and try my hardest. I learned about how much goes into a podcast, when you’re just listening you don’t think about all the planning and scripting that goes into a podcast.
Works Cited
CBC. “Unresolved: Evaline Cameron.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, http://www.cbc.ca/missingandmurdered/mmiw/profiles/evaline-cameron. Accessed 15 March 2021.
Miller-Tanner, Makoons. “Evaline Cameron, Unsolved Murder from Ontario in 1995.” Justice for Native Women, 2019, http://www.justicefornativewomen.com/2019/08/evaline-cameron-unsolved-murder-from.html. Accessed 15 March 2021.
TbNewsWatch.com Staff. “OPP Report Boasts High Clearance Rate for Murdered, Missing Women.” TBNewsWatch.com, 2015, http://www.tbnewswatch.com/local-news/opp-report-boasts-high-clearance-rate-for-murdered-missing-women-403870. Accessed 15 March 2021.
Music: Synapse by Shane Ivers – https://www.silvermansound.com