April 2021 archive

Documentary – “Overcoming the Stage”

“Overcoming the Stage” is a documentary that was created by Stefano Moino, James Wilson, and Claire Bernat that uses a poetic documentary style that documents the many difficulties and solutions that faced the school musical. The musical uses a poetic documentary style as it is focused on the experiences of the three interviewees, Mrs. Roberge the musical coordinator, Mr. Schoenhals the photographer, and Denisa who is Mrs. Vernon-Williams, a character in the school musical. The documentary focuses on these different points of view to show many different positive as well as negative experiences that were faced by three completely different aspects the coordinator, photographer, and actor.

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indigenous podcast – In the Woods


My Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women’s podcast was about Evaline Cameron. Firstly I struggled with the length of my podcast, at the beginning I thought there was enough information about Evaline to make my podcast the full 8-10 minutes however, once I started recording over spring break I realized there were only two websites with the information I could use and that it would not fill out the 8 minutes required but I did not have enough time to pick a new person and restart everything. I also struggled with recording my podcast because I gained a lisp when I got braces last year and listening back you can tell I was having trouble with some words. But despite my difficulties, I enjoyed this project! As someone who is partially first nations (Sioux and Cree), I felt interested the whole time and because of this, I was able to stay focused and try my hardest. I learned about how much goes into a podcast, when you’re just listening you don’t think about all the planning and scripting that goes into a podcast.

 Works Cited

CBC. “Unresolved: Evaline Cameron.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, http://www.cbc.ca/missingandmurdered/mmiw/profiles/evaline-cameron. Accessed 15 March 2021.

Miller-Tanner, Makoons. “Evaline Cameron, Unsolved Murder from Ontario in 1995.” Justice for Native Women, 2019, http://www.justicefornativewomen.com/2019/08/evaline-cameron-unsolved-murder-from.html.  Accessed 15 March 2021.

TbNewsWatch.com Staff. “OPP Report Boasts High Clearance Rate for Murdered, Missing Women.” TBNewsWatch.com, 2015, http://www.tbnewswatch.com/local-news/opp-report-boasts-high-clearance-rate-for-murdered-missing-women-403870.  Accessed 15 March 2021.

Music: Synapse by Shane Ivers – https://www.silvermansound.com

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