Desmos Art Functions Card 2022

Note: the project is complete, Desmos couldn’t show all of my shading in one frame



Original Image:

Personally, I found it easiest to visualize each function and relation if I graphed them all without translations to see what their general shapes were. While I was graphing my project I would refer back to my original functions and relations and apply transformations accordingly. Sometimes I wasn’t accurate on the first try and I would try my best to be creative and use smaller portions of a function or use a large combination of different ones. I’d say the biggest challenge I faced with this project was trying to compartmentalize everything so I could get it done on time. Just because one section looked like it would take 20 minutes doesn’t mean thats always the case, it could take hours instead. I hadn’t realize that I was doing the shading wrong until the week this project was due and once I realized the right way to do it, it made shading significantly easier. I’d say every now and then I would ask my peers for help, but I mostly ended up helping my peers. Regarding strategies, I mainly tried to get the functions from the criteria out of the way first, then once I had graphed them all, I had more liberty with the functions I could use. This project has helped me identify and visualize functions more clearly and I also have a better understanding of the importance of having a domain and range.