
As you can see this propaganda poster shows many propaganda techniques used. First off, this poster uses the Fear technique. The poster is supposed to scare the reader, with the decapitated heads and knife. Also this poster uses fear, by not only showing the dead animals, but saying that those dead animals could be you. The next technique used in this propaganda poster, is bandwagon. This poster uses the bandwagon technique, because the poster is telling you to join a certain group or else there could be consequences. Another technique used in this propaganda poster, is Glittering Generalities. This poster actually uses two motto’s, or slogans in it. The motto’s used in this poster are “4 legs good, 2 legs bad”, and “Join us”.

The final technique used in this propaganda poster is scapegoat. The scapegoat technique is when you put all the blame for something on one single person. This poster scapegoats Farmer Jones. The way this poster scapegoats Farmer Jones, is by putting a bloody knife with his name on it. This implies that Farmer Jones is the cause for these animals to be dead. So in the end this propaganda poster uses 4 techniques, fear, bandwagon, glittering generalities, and scapegoat.