How Can We Control Evolution?

What is evolution?

Evolution is the process of changing certain characteristics of a species over generations. Evolution is the reason we are related to monkeys and birds are related to dinosaurs. It is based on the idea that all species are related and have just gradually changed over time.

Evolution is caused by how creatures traits interact with the environment that they are in.

How can we control it?

Based on what I’ve learned, I believe that the fastest way to evolve would be using natural selection. We can use this to our advantage to manipulate the way genes are spread throughout the generations.

If we wanted to mutate/evolve for example an immunity to Tuberculosis, a large amount of people would have to be subjected to Tuberculosis, and all of those who didn’t get the symptoms would have to reproduce to pass on the genes. Obviously, this isn’t exactly ethically correct, but if we want to control natural selection, I think that this is the best solution.


This picture depicts the process of natural selection, and what we would be trying to accomplish in the experiment. As you can see, those with a low resistance/a biological trait that we don’t want, are removed from the experiment, to give us a “perfect” final population.






In this video, Primer creates a simulation in which these creatures have to compete for food to survive, reproduce, and mutate to gain evolutionary traits that can help them survive.



Digital Learning

  1. How can we control evolution, how does dna get passed down, how does natural selection work…
  2. Word, Grammarly, EasyBib, Google scholar,, and YouTube.
  3. First i started with a gale search to see if there was anything that could help me there, and when there was none, i took to google to find some info, I needed to verify the information, so i clicked on the authors name and investigated the site. I also looked some of them up to see if they were real.
  4. Finding the author and looking him / her up, checked multiple sources and sleuthing through the cite. I used EasyBib to cite my sources.
  5. Completing this was pretty easy, mostly because I had used all of the resources in the past. I could have done better by making more in depth answers for the questions and maybe used more/better sources.



“Evolution Continues Today – Can We Control It?” Evolution Continues Today – Can We Control It? ‹ OpenCurriculum, CK 12 High School Biology,

“File:Antibiotic Resistance.svg.” File:Antibiotic Resistance.svg – Wikimedia Commons, 4 March 2018, 4 Mar. 2018, 13:26,

Adhikari, Arjun. “What Are the Odds of Inheriting No DNA from a Great, Great, Great Grandparent?” Understanding Genetics, Department of Genetics, Stanford School of Medicine, 7 Dec. 2011,

Primer. “Simulating Natural Selection.” YouTube, YouTube, 14 Nov. 2018,


6 thoughts on “How Can We Control Evolution?

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