English 11 – Final Narrative Essay Reflection

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Essay Reflection

Overall, with this assignment, I would say that I am pleased with the work that I put in, and the result that came from it. With this assignment, I was able to effectively take use and manage my time given to produce a good piece of writing, I feel.

What went well on the essay, I would say, is the use of literary devices that we learned in class. The description of the situations and showing the emotions through description I think was the strongest part of my essay. This helped with the tone and the flow of the story.

Where I think my biggest struggle with this assignment was, is the structure of the story. Doing the plot diagram prior to writing was helpful, but I found myself easily deviating from the path I intended and had to work to get myself back on track. Certain parts of the story were more drawn out than they need to be, and others may have been too short. If I could improve on one thing in writing this essay again, it would be the better structure of ideas and transitions.

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