Desmos Art Functions Card 2018

 Link to graph

I have ran into many challenges with this functions card, mainly just confusion as to how I could get the desired and fitting result. Some road blocks was what the desired function/relation’s equation, and another was a problem I had with the constant functions, as I didn’t know to have only a piece of it shown, which is done through matrices. For both these problems I sought and found the answer online.  At times a had issues with as to what function to use, which was easily solved through creating a base function and then looking at how I could transform it, determining if it worked and moving onto another function if it did not.  Out of all the hurdles with making it, the one that I had questions about from the beginning was how would I get the hair to work. Through testing I had an “aha” moment in realizing that the sum of a parabola and a cosine graph would work splendidly. The project helped me better understand transformations with accuracy of the transformations effect.


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