Define) how can I explain matter in engaging way
Dream) Make a PowerPoint, showcase a lab and explain while doing so, make some sort of activity, Make a video showcasing the lab, do a sway presentation, make a play, on-line/physical activity, develop a kahoot, write a song, make a mind map, a web
Design & Deliver) Sway presentation
Debrief) I worked with Darrion Payne and helped him with technical issues (even though we have different sways) other then said technical issues, everything went quite well.
Good job on the project, your sway is nicely done.
This is a very interactive post. I really like how you shared your ideas on how to make a good presentation. One thought is to embed your Sway or make it a link. Another thought is to tell me more about Matter. But all in all, you did an amazing job. I love that you made a Sway for this assignment. One question: was it difficult to use Sway for this?