The top 5 things I’ve learned in math 9

Throughout the year I have learned many things. Of course there were bumps along this journey. But, I learned many things and I would like to share the top 5 things I have learned, here, in Math 9.


~The first thing that I learned was exponents. I had never seen exponents before in my entire life so that was a new experience for me. My favourite part of the exponent unit was probably multiplying exponents because you simply take the two numbers and multiply them and then for the exponents you simply add them together. I really liked this rule because it was super easy to follow. 

~The second thing I learned was multiplying fractions. Heading into the whole fraction thing was a challenge in itself but I soon realized that the easiest thing to do was multiply fractions because you go straight across with both the top and the bottom. Super easy and not very complicated. 

~The next thing I learned also had to do with exponents. Any number is an exponent. For example: 2 = 2^1 and if an exponent has a zero on it, it equals to 1. For example 5^0 = 1. Pretty cool.


~Two very simple thing I learned when I first entered the doors of Math 9 is that when you are multiplying two numbers; instead of using an x symbol, you use a dot instead. We use the dot so that we don’t get confused when we are multiplying letters and numbers. The second simple thing I learned is that instead of using the division symbol for dividing, we put one number on top of the other to sort of resemble ad a fraction. The next step is to simply divide. There is no explanation for why we change it but Ms. Burton like to call it high school level dividing. 

~The final thing I would like to share is Ms. Burton’s famous quote: Best Friends Share Deserts. This was Ms. Burton’s way of teaching us how to solve equations. Clearly her method worked because I still remember it. Best Friends Share Deserts stands for brackets, fractions, sort, divide. This is the way of solving equations. Just follow these simple steps you will have no problem solving equations. 


Side note for Ms. Burton:

Hi. I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me even when I probably didn’t deserve it. You taught me so many things and I can’t thank you enough. You are awesome and such a great math teacher. Even though there have been times where I ave been close to quitting but you have always pulled me back up. Thank you so much for a very eventful year. See you next year 🙂          -Audrey


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