
In the photo, you see an assembly with a ‘good’ leader to the side to show that we want a balanced and represented assembly for regulations and rules in order for the youths to take more control of their future and for the millennials and baby bloomers to release some power unto us.

Because I am a control freak and fast with creative ideas, the process was ultimately going with my idea since we didn’t have anything else for such a complex solution. Raghad and I were by ourselves so we had to balance ideas between us which made me less overwhelmed since I trusted her and we both had the same sort of concept. We obviously couldn’t design a whole court setting we minimalized it to a small assembly of diverse people and a fair, impartial leader.  


(Hasan Minhja from Homecoming King) This was my final synthesis essay for grade 11 English. I loved my quote integration and use of transition words, I think they flowed well and things weren’t so out of place. I wish I would have paid a little more attention to editing in order to catch small mistakes and added my details from the sources into my evidence.  

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English 11 was fun for me, nothing too easy or hard in my opinion. I had enough challenges to take things seriously but not enough to overwork myself. For others maybe it would have been hard but I loved it.

I enjoyed the Dead Poet Society and Fahrenheit 451, though I do agree that we might have gone a little too much into poetry analysing for me to still enjoy it. The little discussions we had about the psychology and thoughts behind characters were also fun for me because I would use these ‘perspective-shifting’ skills into my real life.

I loved learning about essay and writing techniques that I will definitely implement into my personal writing projects. Overall, loved the course