Math 9 Honours- Desmos Project

For our Desmos project in Math 9 Honours, we were assigned a project in which we were to spell our name using Linear equations. Every line was an equation.

This project was a quite a challenge but not in the sense of the mathematical equations being difficult, but in the sheer number of how many you needed to write for one letter. Overtime, you get a lot of frustration of just writing and writing and even the smallest inconvenience will set you off, such as maybe forgetting to change one of your quadratic equations to a function. However in the end, it was pretty satisfying seeing all that math come together and form something unique.



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Everything I know about exponents

As the name of my post suggests, these are all the things I know and have learned about our unit on exponents and I am looking forward to sharing this with you all. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated!! Don’t be afraid to mention any parts that you think I need to work on, I would love to fix my mistakes and try to make this perfect! Thanks! 


1.Represent repeated multiplication with exponents

When you have a number like 2³, all it means is there are 3 tows being multiplied together 

Ex:  2 x 2 x 2= 4 x 2= 8. 2x2x2 is also represented as and should be represented as 2³

This can also be used in the other way around in the sense that instead of writing 3x3x3x3, you can simply just say its 34. The 3 is represent the base which is the number being multiplied and the 4 is the exponent which is the amount of 3’s is being multiplied by each other.


  1. Demonstrate the difference between the exponent and the base by building models of a given power, such as 2³ and 3²

For example, when you have a number like 3², the three represents the number being multiplied, the base. Where as the exponent 2, is how many of the base there is going to be multiplied.

So, 3²= 3×3=9. The same thing goes for 2³.

23= 2x2x2=8

If you were to have a coefficient involved into an equation, make sure to check if the exponent effects the coefficient and the base or just one. Such as:

2x3= 2x3

(2x)= 8x3


  1. Evaluate powers with integral bases (excluding base 0) and whole number exponents

When evaluating powers with integral bases, it means positive and negative integers. The rule of the number of negatives determining if the answer is negative or not applies a lot here so make sure you pay attention to that because its always going to get you.

For Example, (-2)4 = 16 HOWEVER (-24) does not equal 16 it equals -16 because the exponent is on the four which is acting as the base and the negative is acting as a coefficient. It would look like this: -1x2x2x2x2

When you have negative coefficients involved, it would be the exact same: (-2x)3= -8x3

-2x3= -2x3

With positive integers it would be the exact same as the other examples but obviously without the negative.


  1. Explain the exponent laws for multiplying and dividing powers with the same base

When you have 2 numbers with the same base and you are dividing, you always keep the base and SUBTRACT the exponents. If there are any coefficients, divide them accordingly: 23 Divided by 22 = 21 because you are doing 23-2 . This law is called the Quotient Law

For example, 32 divided by 31= Subtract the exponents: 2-1 and keep the base. Final answer is 31 because 32-1

When you have 2 numbers with the same base and you are multiplying, you always keep the base and ADD the exponents. If there are any coefficients, multiply them accordingly: 23 x  22 = 25 because you are doing 23+2 . The law is called the Product Law. Another way it can be explained is 2 means 2x2x2 and 22 means 2×2. When you multiply them it will look like (2x2x2)(2×2) which means there are 5 twos which is……. 25

23 X 25= add the exponents: 3 + 5 and keep the base of 2. Final answer is 28

With coefficients: 2x3 X 4x4 = 8x7


  1. Explain the law for powers with an exponent of zero.

When any number has an exponent of zero, the answer is always 1 (except when its 00, its equals zero) because when we take a number like 22 it equals 4 then 21 equals 2. We can see a pattern of the number being cut in half every time so we know the next one will always be 1. 20 equals 1.

Another way of wording it is that we would divide the product by its original base. If 22 = 4 then we divide that by 2 and we get 2 which is equal to 21, divide by 2 again and we get 1 which is equal to 20.

Ex: 22 =4  21 =2  20=1  2-1= 1/2

Ex: 32 = 9  31 = 3  30 = 1  3-1 = 1/3


  1. Explain the law for powers with negative exponents.

Now for the situations where you find yourself dealing with negative exponents, the rule that is the easiest to follow is that you just put the base in its reciprocal form then change the exponent to a positive and solve. The reason why you put it in its reciprocal form is because if I were to put the entirety of 1/2 into its reciprocal, I would get a complex fraction which is basically a fraction on top of a fraction, hence the name complex fraction. We don’t want a complex fraction so we would just flip 1/2 to 2/1 and apply the exponent like normal.

Ex: 2-1 equals (1/2)1 = 1/2 or another example is (1/2)-1 = 21 =2


  1. I can apply the exponent laws to powers with both integral and variable bases.

Product law: As stated before, when multiplying exponents, you will always keep the base and add the exponents IF the base is the same. If there are any coefficients, multiply them.

Examples: 23 X 29 = 212,  1904 X 19012 = 19016

3(21) x 2(23) = 6(24)

With variables: 3x3 X 6x6= 18x9

Quotient law: ALSO stated before, when dividing exponents, you must keep the base and subtract the exponents IF THE BASE IS THE SAME. If there are any coefficients divide them.

Examples: 56 divided by 52 = 54,    4(67) divided by 2(64) = 2(63)

With variables, its basically the same: 5m7 divided by 5m5= m2 because, 5 divided by 5 is 1 and


Power Law: The one law I personally hate. This law is when there is an exponent being applied to an exponent. Sounds confusing right? I thought that at first but its not that bad. When you get a question like that, you are just going to multiply the exponents, keep the base but don’t forget about those pesky coefficients! You’ll need to apply the exponent to those too.

Examples: (23)2= 26,     (3×42)2= 9×44 or 9(44)

The power law with coefficients behaves the exactly the same way: 2(n5)5= 2n25,       (6c3)2= 36c6

Negative exponents: For this one, your going to have to reciprocal what ever base the negative exponent is on before you can apply that bad boy on said base. As I stated in the last question, make sure you don’t accidentally make a complex fraction because it WILL get complex. Other than that, its simple as pie.

Examples: (2)-2 = (1/2)-2 = 4,    (1/3)-3= (3/1)3= 27/1 or 27

Zero Law: Hands down anyone’s favorite, IT’S ONE. That’s it. No matter how ginormous the number is, if its got a 0 for an exponent its- and you guessed it, ONE. All you do is take one product of the base having an exponent of whatever and just divide it by its base until you get to the exponent 0 where you will see that it always equals 1 no matter what. Another way I like to remember it was, exponent zero? ONE.

Example: 33= 27  Divide by base (3) = 9 , 9 is equivalent to 32  Divide by 3= 3 , 3 is equivalent to 31 Divide by 3 = 1

Examples: 678(2467)0= 678(1) =678    4(2780)= 4(1) =4


  1. Use the order of operations on expressions with powers

The order of operations still applies when dealing with exponents always. PEDMAS always stands and can still cause you to make some mistakes if you don’t follow it.

To identify when you could use exponents first can be when multiplication is being done inside the parentheses: 5(3×4)2 = 5(32x42) =5(144)= 720. It doesn’t change the answer because both ways, you would get the same result

However, when there is addition or subtraction in the brackets, you must evaluate the addition or subtraction first before applying the exponent because the answer WILL NOT be the same: 9(4-3)3= 9(1)3=9            25(5-2)2 = 25(3)3 = 25(27) =675


  1. Identify the error in applying the order of operations in an incorrect solution

Always make sure to double check your equations and your answers, I make a ton of very small and stupid mistakes. To give a little insight in what I mean, here is an example:

 This is wrong 2(6+7)2= 2(62+72) Do not do that. The problem with that is when there is addition or subtraction inside brackets, always evaluate that first before the exponents. The right way is 2(6+7)2 =2(13)2= 2(169)= 338


  1. Use powers to solve problems (growth problems)

When given a question such as: The cells doubled every hour, how many are there after 2 hours when you start with 3.

we know we have 3 from the very start and every hour it triples. So, to put this in a equation, we can say at 0 hours we have 3, at 1 hour it triples so then it would be 9 then at 2 hours, 27

In exponent for we can write it as: 3(3n). The 3 on the outside is representing the amount we start with, the 3 on the inside representing the amount it goes up every hour and the exponent N represents the hour. If N were 1, then it would be 3 x 31 which is 9 and so fourth……


 I am sure all your brains are fried but hey, you learn something new everyday or in my case every day 2. I do really hope you have learned something you didn’t know already! In all, I feel that I have learned so much more about exponents and math in general in this class. Its really taught me a lot of new things and concepts that I did not have a lot of knowledge on before. I am really looking forward to learning even more!


My partner Daejung did the even Learning outcomes to this project, the link to his blog is:


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Digital Footprint

Photo of Green Data Matrix

1.) How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? 

Your digital footprint affects your future opportunities because future employers or schools that you apply for may use the information they find online about you to figure out if they should accept you or decline you. These schools and/or employers aren’t only going to use your resume to figure out if you are suitable for the job. You might have the necessary courses, grades , requirements, etc but they will also be looking for what type of person they would be accepting into the school or workplace. Your digital footprint represents the type of person you are. It might be difficult to make connections in the future. It could also make it really easy to make connections depending on how it looks like. If you needed to make connections with other people weather that be for your career or something else, they might decide not to work with you because of some dumb thing that you did or said online last month. It all depends on what your digital footprint looks like. It could help you or it could be your biggest challenge.

Group of People Raising Right Hand

2.) Describe Some strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

1.Think about what your posting online. Don’t just post random things that you think are gonna get you the most likes or follows on Instagram. Think about what it is that you are posting and think about weather this will impact your future in a bad way or a positive way. Every time you post something, it stays on the internet forever, its not coming off. 2.Check the people that you follow. Its important that you know the people that you are following either on Twitter, Instagram or other social media. It really shows the type of person you are. Even if you only follow these accounts just for fun and you don’t mean any harm, someone could get the wrong impression of you and think otherwise. 3. Be careful of who you talk to. Always be careful of you are talking to online and make sure you never give any personal information that you wouldn’t want anyone to know. They could use that against you and scar your digital footprint forever. Especially passwords, don’t be giving them to all your friends, keep them to yourself.

Person Using White Tablet Computer Displaying Location Text

3.) What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

I have learned a lot of new things regarding my digital footprint and the effect it has on our lives. I just want everyone to also understand the consequences of  not maintaining a good digital footprint. of course it doesn’t have to be perfect but try to keep it appropriate and safe as best as you can. You will thank yourself in the future if you can do that. I have said all that I think needed to be said but its super important that everyone knows how big of a deal your digital footprint is, especially in the future when it comes to finding work and applying to university and college. It really shows your personality either in a good way or in a negative way. It all depends on you and your action.


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