Shakespeare – Graphic Novel


For this project, we were tasked with making a graphic novel illustration of the Shakespeare play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. This play explores the idea of love and how it can be an amazing force but also a very deceptive one. I find that the play also explores the idea of true love and whether or not it is always true no matter the situation. The class had to do some research on the play to write a reflection on our thoughts about the play and in my research I found that Shakespeare did include many instances of true love in the story but you did have to know what you were looking for to really notice them. 

The class was tasked with using 8 scenes from the play that we felt would explain the play best. I had chosen the ones that I felt drove the story forward and tried my best to not exclude the big plot points. I did have to exclude some scenes as they didn’t really add much to the story so that is why you may notice that some scenes are missing. Scenes such as the Mechanical’s meeting before practicing in the forest were excluded as I deemed them “side stories” and they wouldn’t make much sense with the other panels in the novel. 

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is an amazing play and I do suggest a read or a watch. I have included the links to the script and the live performance at the Globe Theater in London that Ms. Wasstrom provided, in case you guys are interested!

Here is the link to the scripture:

Here is the Videos of the live performance:

(You will find the link to the other 2 parts on the website)

One thought on “Shakespeare – Graphic Novel

  1. Thank you for posting your “Graphic Novel” project taking one source of writing (literature) and transferring it into a new piece of media using your creative perspective. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Excellent use of the software (Pixton) to retell the story
    – Looks like a professional graphic novel, great variety of scenes
    – Excellent description shows understanding of play and project
    – You embedded this properly on your Edublog

    Overall, I think you did an outstanding job with the technology!

    Mr. Barazzuol
    (COL-ADL10 Teacher)

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