Math Journal

Question #3 pg. 479

The questions is Over the last 10 years, data was recorded for the number of cups of hot chocolate sold at the BGB Senior High School. It was found from the data that the water the day the less cups of hot chocolate were sold. The data can be modelled by the formula N t =150 – 10 t is the daily number of sups of hot chocolate sold the the average temperature is t C.

When I first read the problem I thought it was the same as all the other questions I had already anwnsered this assignment which it pretty much was but there was some different elements to it. To answer the questions you need to use the formula and input the (t). For this question you also need to be able to write the meaning of the function. When I was asked to explain the lower limit of the domain of the relation at first I was very confused. I thought it had to be a specific temperature but then I realized it was just the average minimum temperature. I learned when doing this question that all the questions may look  the same however their is different parts to them. I also learned to think outside the box. I think before the test I will need to study these types of questions and ask more questions about them. I will prepare myself by doing the practice test before the real test.