Tag Archives: Sc10Paperplanes

Science 10 – Paper Airplanes

This week in science we performed an experiment to see which paper airplane would fly the farthest. Me and my partner decided to test if airplanes that weighed more would fly farther. We created 3 airplanes that were the exact same in size, but the weight differed. We used paper clips to add weight to the planes. Our first plane had no clips, our second plane had 2 clips, and our third plane had 3 clips. Our hypothesis was that the plane with the most paper clips on it would fly the farthest. At the end of our experiment we concluded that our hypothesis was true.

I learned that with more weight on the plane the more the air pushes against it creating force and resulting in the plane having more air time. One thing I would do differently next time is try a different design of paper airplane to see if a different design would fly better.

Here is a picture of our airplane and my graph: