Is technology good or bad?
Technology is the future of our world, but it is up to us to decide whether that is going to be for the better or for the worse. At first glance, technology seems to enhance globular networking and connect us with countries across the world, but looking at the big picture, it replaces real-life, face-to-face communication thus leading to social isolation in our everyday lives. Back before technology was as big of an impact as it is today, children would go over to their friends’ houses to socialize, but now a days we use technology to call or facetime each other: And it doesn’t end there. Humans have created technology into a monster that does all of our work for us from getting groceries delivered to our front doors, ordering clothing online, and even doing our writing for us. Not to mention, with the technological advancements in factories, hospitals, and grocery stores, the majority of our population will be out of work. As humans do, we abuse what is given to us and overindulge in its experience, leading to harmful consequences. Initially, technology has its benefits however, at the speed of its advancement, we will cease to need to do anything for ourselves. With the temptations of technology’s progression allowing it to take control of what we consider “useless tasks,” the urge of scientists to discover more, and the money that is constantly funded into that field, we cannot resist creating something further than the machines we have today.