IT10: Scratch One Week Challenge

In IT10, the first assignment we were given was to create some sort of game on a program called Scratch. We were given the timeframe of one week, or four days. I wanted to create some sort of platformer, but I also wanted the sprites to have some sort of animation to them too. Making a character walk left and right was easy, but I already ran into some small problems there. I then tried to make my character jump, and my game creation went to a complete halt. Nothing was working after that. The code on the left is the moving left and right, while on the right side, I was playing with X and Y velocity. Nothing worked when that stuff was put in.

One thing I learned during this week in Scratch is how animations work. I never bothered to play with animations when I used this program in grade six and seven.

I wanted to create a sort of platformer with multiple levels, but obviously I was way out of my depth. I didn’t know how to create a sort of scroller, and I didn’t know how to create gravity. My character would just be floating up in the air. Certainly a failure, but hopefully I will learn.

You can see the code here:

Intro Game