My legs are dangling off the edge
The bottom of the bottle is my only friend
I think I’ll empty this bottle of pills again
And I’m gone
I’ll Carpe Diem with my newfound love
My legs feeling different than ever before
There’s just so much of her to adore
And I’m gone
Lean, lean, left and right
The rope is there for you to walk so light
Happiness and despair you will fight
Like yin, and yang, they must unite
Life can’t be full of happiness
Or full of despair
Life is a tightrope
Keep your balance, or you’re gone too
‘Tightrope’ by Alex Redwood is a rhyming poem that talks about humanity’s need for balance in their lives. The poem tells us about Alex’s beliefs on balance. He tries to explain that the consequences for having a life unbalanced can be much larger than you think. That the consequences can be invisible to you, that you could be facing the consequences of imbalance right now without even realising it. The title, ‘Tightrope’, also references the subject matter of the poem. Alex Redwood chose to write a poem such as this because he has had difficulty in his life at the moment with trying to find balance between a multitude of things, and he believed that this was the best way to ‘take some of the heat off’.
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