British Govern Quebec

As a British official I realize there are many alternitives to governing Quebec. I have chosen the policy of Assimilation to ensure the colony is properly run. If we assimilate the French canadiens and Natives then we would be able to enforce our British culture on to them and turn Quebec British. We would also be able to keep Quebec populated so we wouldn’t need to bring other British people here. It would also be easier to govern if we only have one culture. If we were to isolate them then we wouldn’t be able to monitor what they do, and they could plot to fight against us. That is too big of a risk. We cannot choose Biculturism because British culture is obviously better than the French culture, and I can see there being another war between the French and British in the future if we chose Biculturism. We need to spread our British ways, and If we deport them, we would need to find new people to populate Quebec and attract new settlers.We would also have to find new people to do important jobs such as farming and other businesses If we force them to take on the British culture, then they will be on the British side if we do ever go into war again, so Britain would have more power. As I have outlined above, I believe the best policy for governing Quebec is Assimilation.  This will ensure that the colony will remain under British control and provide wealth for our glorious country.


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