
To be quite honest with you I found this project very difficult, but like most times I was able to try my best and problem solve and figure out equations that would allow me to create a face.

The equation I had used to create the eyes was an: Quadric equations

For the hair, I used: linear equation

For my mouth, I used: reciprocal function

for my shoulders I used: cubic equation

for my nose, I had used:  linear equation

for my head, the equation I used was: circle (relation)

for this project to find my equations, I would use the different equations I was provided by my teacher, and I had used my knowledge from our lessons in class to create these equations. When I was struggling I had the help of my tutor. When I was struggling we would figure it out together, and if one of the numbers were off, I would use my knowledge and figure it out on my own. Although this portrait doesn’t look like me that much I did try my best, in the way the portrait reminds me of what I look like when I wake up in the morning, my hair is spikey because of how I slept on it, I’m smiling because I am a morning person. Throughout this unit, I learned how to properly graph ordered pairs.

Rube Goldberg machine project

What is my machine called and what does it do…

My machine is called the treat dog treat dropper 2000

the name bassicaly tells you what it does but the general idea is that it will give my dog his treat.

step 1- (A)first plug the hair dryer into the outlet. Then the blow dryer will blow the marble placed on top of the box.

step 2- (D)then the marble will roll down the inclined plane (wrapping paper roll) that is cut in half and will hit the Newtons cradle.

Step 3- (C)the newtons cradle will then start swinging which will then knock the dominos that were placed in a line in front of the newtons cradle.

Step 4-(D)the dominos will fall over in their zig-zag pattern and then will bump the toy car that was placed right after the line of dominos.

Step 5- (E)then the car will role because of the dominos force and will bump the dog treat that was placed at the end of the table.

step 6-(F) the dog treat will fall off the end of the table and bounce off of a bowl with a tight layer of saran wrap placed around it.

step 7- (G) once the dog treat had bounced off then my dog would come and eat the treat.


The 5 types of energy I used were…

1-Electrical energy- because I plugged the hair dryer into the wall which then allowed me to turn on an blow air out of the blowdryer

2-Chemical energy- because when my dog ate it, it went from a solid whole dog treat to a new chemical by him chewing it up.

3- mechanical energy- when the marble rolls down the tube it is considered mechanical as well as when the newtons cradle starts to swing.

4- elastic energy- when the dog treat falls off the table and bounces of the saran wrap it would be elastic because the dog treat applies pressure onto the surface on the way s=down and then the saran wrap finally releases all of the pressure by shooting the dog treat up.

5-sound energy- when the newtons cradle gets knocked it created a ticking noise because it’s hitting other balls attached and then the dominos make noise as well when they fall over on the table.

Graphing Story 2020

Production of vaccines

Production of Vaccines, Antibiotics, and Hormones


In the year 1967, a doctor named Edward Jenner performed the world’s first vaccination. the first vaccine created was for cowpox.  A vaccine is a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases. Vaccines are important because a vaccine activates our immune systems without making us sick. Many dangerous infectious diseases can be prevented in a simple and effective way. One of the greatest advancements of vaccines over the years is that serious diseases that once killed thousands each year have almost been eliminated in many parts of the because of the widespread childhood vaccinations. Some of the diseases that vaccines were created to eliminate are polio, mumps, tetanus, diphtheria, measles, pertussis, and meningitis.  The one disease that has been eradicated because of vaccinations is smallpox. We are in a global pandemic because of covid 19 caused by SARS-CoV2. Globally there have been 1.11 million deaths from the Coronavirus, the only ways countries have tried to prevent the spread of disease is by self-isolation, quarantine, social distancing snd hospitalization. Once the world creates a vaccine and people start getting vaccinated, people will stop getting sick and they will stop dying and people won’t need to isolate, a business can open back up, and life can go back to normal. 


In 1941 Selman Waksman used the word antibiotic as a noun describing any small molecules made by a microorganism that creates the growth of other microorganisms. Microorganisms are tiny living things that are found all around us and are too small to be seen by the human eye, the human body is home to millions. An antibiotic is a medicine that helps stop infections caused by unwanted bacteria. They kill the bacteria by keeping them from copying themselves or reproducing. Antibiotics may be used to treat bacterial; infections that, are unlikely to be clear up without antibiotics, could affect others unless treated, it could take too long to clear up without treatment, and could also carry a risk of more serious complications. The discovery of antimicrobial drugs (OKA) antibiotics was one of the most significant medical achievements of the 20th century there several types, One of them being Penicillin. Penicillin is a group of antibiotics created originally from common molds known as Penicillin molds. Penicillin can still be used today to treat a wide range of infections caused by certain bacteria including Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Clostridium, Neisseria, and Listeriagenera. Unfortunately, we are in desperate need of new antibiotics because of the misuse and mismanagement of our current antibiotics. In 2011 the head of the world health organization had stated that we are on the verge of losing the miracle cures and one day soon these common infections will no longer have a cure and could one day kill people.


Growth hormones is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans and other animals. In 1950 growth hormone therapy was made available for severely GH- deficient children and adolescents only.there are 2 major types of hormones first is proteins, peptides, and modified and the second form is steriods. An example is of what hormones can be used for Gonadotropin Hormones that regulate the secretion of sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone are used to treat several diseases and conditions, infertility, and prostate disorders. Another way we use hormones is injection hormones into young livestock can make them gain weight faster, more weight means more meat which means more profit for the producer. Hormones also increase the production of milk for dairy cows. Hormones have been used for decades u=in the meat and dairy industries. Over the last 100 years, research and wor on hormones have to lead to important advances in biochemistry, cell, and molecular biology. further research in hormones will contribute to the knowledge of membrane structure, gene cloning, and DNE sequencing in animals.

Science methods and paper airplanes

In Science class, we were asked to make three different paper airplanes to see which one was the (best) as in which one would fly the furthest? I had made three different paper airplanes based off of my
hypothesis, if the paper airplane had a thin body and large wingspan it would go the furthest distance because the wings will be able to glide more through the air because of the width. I had made one very large airplane with a skinny body (plane 1), one very fat and stubby plane with small wings (plane 2), and one very small plane with small wings and a thin body (plane 3). For plane 1 the furthest distance it flew was 14 m , it was the smoothest plane to fly as it just glided through the air. for plane number 2 the furthest it flew was 7 m, it was probably the hardest plane to throw as it would act like there is a wall and it would just automatically stop and fell to the ground. For my last plane, the furthest it flew was 12 m, it glided well but didn’t go as far as plane 1 did. After i had thrown all my planes i collected my data and put it into a bar graph. In conclusion, I learned that the larger the wingspan is and the narrower the body the farther it will go which means plane number one flew the furthest.

what would I do better next time?
next time I think I would make this a little bit more interesting and add some paper clips to my planes so it adds a little extra weight to it to make it more challenging for them to fly.


British Govern Quebec

As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec. I have chosen the policy of assimilation to ensure the colony is properly run. I think deportation is a bad choice because it would wipe out the fur trade business as well as it would wipe out their land. maintaining the status quo isn’t changing anything so laws, customs, language, and religion would stay the same. isolation is a bad idea because once they are split up into three different societies living in the same area with three different types of government, there are different possibilities that could happen such as other alliances, war, etc.. last but not least I think biculturalism is a bad choice because when having two cultures there are two different colonies full of people who believe two different things, which could cause conflict and war between two group and more because one might not agree with one’s cultural beliefs. In conclusion, I believe assimilation is the best option because bringing all these people together and done properly could create one harmonious society with similar cultural beliefs, government, etc. So there would be less conflict throughout those topics.