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The Trouble with Water

  1. The reason water conservation is necessary in Canada is because Canada is such a large supplier of our worlds freshwater. We need to keep enough for the rest of the world who buys it from us, and also for ourselves so that its not so incredibly expensive (and also because its not evenly distributed so all of Canada needs to be taken care of), and especially because expensive water equates to expensive energy. Just because we have a lot of water right now doesn’t mean it will last to the end of time so being mindful with our water can help the future in a great way, for example could you imagine if every single person in Canada left their taps running for 20 extra minutes every day that would be millions of litres wasted that has to go through the energy consuming process of being treated again.

a) (something I already do to conserve water) Fill up large water bottles with tap water (can be warm) and cool in fridge so I don’t have to let a bunch of water down the drain while waiting to get colder water

b) (something new trying to implement in house) I now am more aware when washing clothes during laundry that I should be filling it even more sometimes I don’t even really check but there is definitely more room sometimes that can easily fit some extra pieces of clothing.


Wave Interference: Constructive and Destructive

Constructive Wave: When two crest (or troughs) meet and their energies combine to make displace the medium and make one large trough then they separate back out again


Destructive Wave: When a crest and trough meet the energies “cancel out” and then continue out after they pass


Standing Wave: Interfering waves that have the same amplitude and wavelength


Week 15- Slope of a line segment

Using the equation y=mx+b we can solve for a (straight) line. When using this equation you plug things in and then you add your co-ordinates to make your equation fully solved. When using this equation it can be tricky to know which variables stand for what (plug-ins) but after practicing it will just come naturally. M stands for the slope so the rise/run between to points on a graph (that are on your line) and b stands for your y intercept, but don’t be fooled it can be negative OR positive depending on the line you are dealing with. Once you have those two you solve for the other then you plug in two of your co-ordinates to evaluate for the rest of the line.

For example a line that passes through the point (0,2) <on the y axis x=0 so it is an intercept> with a slope of \frac{5}{2}

In the photo below I have shown you how this would look on a graph and how you would be able to find it using the information given. 

DNA Blog

How are chromosomes, DNA, and genes related to one another?

Chromosomes, DNA, and genes are all related to one another because they all relate to your genetic makeup. They all provide input on different things to make you unique and who you are. Genes from your parents are combines to make DNA and your DNA is in your chromosomes. To make yourself who you are you need all of the above, and that’s how they are related.

Explain what these following candies represent: red licorice, black licorice, marshmallows (yellow, orange, pink, green), toothpicks

The red licorice and black licorice represented the backbone of the DNA, and the marshmallows represented the parts that compose base pairs, Adenine and Thymine, and Guanine and Cytosine. The toothpicks represent the bonds between the base pairs. Together it all created a “DNA” strand.

Did this activity help you understand the structure of DNA? Explain your answer.

Yes, this activity helped me to understand the structure of DNA better. It gave me a better visual of how the DNA is built, and how it works. It really made me understand the parts, and the base pairs, A only goes with T, and G with C.


