For this project, my partner, Sophia, and I created an expository documentary about Riverside’s One to One program entitled 21st Century Education. The reason it is expository is because we explain the program, but it has a clear point of view, unlike an observatory documentary. We included interviews from founders of the program, students using the program now, as well as teachers in the school. Some questions we asked were about whether or not they liked the program, what kind of changes were made to put the program into action, and why the program started. We also incorporated narration with an introduction, some background information, smaller introductions for each interviewee, and a conclusion. Another factor of the production was filming B-Roll. For the B-Roll, we mostly walked around the school, asking people’s permission to film them on their devices. We also acquired drone footage from the school by emailing several teachers. I did all of the filming and editing. Sophia made up most of the questions and wrote and recorded the narration. We both worked fairly equally on the Milanote treatment plan separately. We used a Blue Snowball microphone for the interviews and the narration, and I used DaVinci Resolve and Audacity for the editing. All of our information came from the students and teachers that we interviewed. Our “big idea” from the New Media 10 Curriculum is, “Digital Citizens have rights and responsibilities in an increasingly globalized society.” One challenge that we faced was finding good spots to film the interviews so that we would have good audio, then afterwards, syncing the audio to the visuals. In general, the project was difficult but rewarding.