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Parliament System Ranking

  1. Governor General
    The Governor General is the position that I seem to like the most. The Governor General has the most power in the government after the British monarch. I think that it is cool to be associated with the Queen. Not just that but the Governor General has a pretty easy job. Most of the things he does is just approve of what the Prime Minister requests. Not to mention the pay is very high. The reason why that the Governor General speaks to me is because to me it seems to be a like laid back type of job. Mostly like the guardian of the PM, saying yes or no to his request(even though most the time he/she has to).
  2. Minister
    The only reason why the Minister is second is because it is not as laid back. The ministers are in charge if the various changes and the proposal of laws. You specify in a different specialties and adress concerns and request changes for said specailty. Ministers are great because they represent and they voice the concerns for the people who need it.
  3. MP
    MPs are the members in parliament that represent the people the best. They are elected and they voice the voices of those who elected them. They help with the law making and reform or them too. They make a good amout of money too for their job. The thing is though is that it’s too much debating for me and thats why its 3.
  4. Senator
    Senators are still not still seen as necessary to most. Many think they should be abolished or reformed. They do the same thing in the House of Commons, basically they are like the second check. They get paid alot and people are not happy about that. Also since they are not elected, it is not true democracy. They do not fully represent each Canadian and thats why people are skeptical about them. I don’t want to be associated with those type of people (I know that not all of them are bad). Some of them paint a bad image of what they are supose to do.
  5. Prime Minister
    The Prime Minister is almost the equivilent to the US president. The Prime Minister’s role is to represent all of Canada and to me that is too much. It’s a big role and I dont think its a job for me. They are the leader of their party and to be the Prime Minister the Governor General invites the party leader and appoints them. The Prime Minister has alot on their hands. Like the Senate to an extent, people are not always fond of the PM. I dont want that. Its too much on my hands and too much stress. The pay is very well however, and I can kinda see it as being a celebrity.

Change In Canada

Civil disobedience  is one of 3 ways you yourself can make change in Canada. Civil disobedience has many advantages compared to the other ways. One is that is the most easiest way to get your point accros. There is no need for, signatures, lawyers or anything along those lines.  Another advantage is that it will catch the attention of others, whether that be media, other people of common intrest or even the government themselves. With advantages there are some disadvantages. One is that it’s not a guarantee that you will be listened to or even acknowledged by people. Yes, it maybe and easier way to protest, but it may not make a big enough impact to make any change. Another disadvantage is that hell can break loose. Not everyone can do this peacefully and many things can happen that can result in violence or bigger issues. All that aside, civil disobedience is an easy  way for your issue or change to be heard by the government.

Petitions are another way for the governement to listen for change. Petitions can represent the public with their needs and what they want, but on the other side it can be the opposite. Petitions are very effective if alot of people participate and contribute with signatures and their info. The big flaw with petitions are that they can be rejected or be ignored by the governement if requirements aren’t met. Another one is that it may be hard to hear about them or know any knowlegde of one being there, unless it is big, media attention or if you do hear about somehow. Might be hard for the average Canadian to hear about it depending on the petition, unless again if it is a big one. Another plus is that petitions are a good way for the governement to take insight from the people. So they can get an idea for how they are doing as a governement and if issues are getting taken care of.

The last way of making change in Canada is through pressure groups or lobbiest. Pressure groups are a good way to protest againts rules or laws. Its a really good way to get the attention of anyone and that can meant the governemnt too. The lobbiest are crucial as well because they help bring their points across with facts and knowlegde. Pressure groups are great to represent the minority of a cause as well. However, just like civil disobedience this can be bad if violence or any matter along those lines. It can make their protest look bad and therefore make their reputation looked down upon by the governement.

Week 13 – The X and Y Intercepts

X intercept- A point on a graph where the graph intersects the x-axis and the x intercept happens on the point of the graph where the y-coordinate is zero.

Y intercept- A point on a graph where the graph intersects the y-axis and the y intercept happens on the point of the graph where the x-coordinate is zero.

You apply these two when it comes to solving equations on a graph, determining it algebraically. A challenge that I see myself doing is remembering which value is zero, either x or y. Another challenge is sometime solving it algebraically can be confusing for one. You would use this on a graph and finding values for the following intercepts.

“The Life of a Genetic Mutation” Color Blindness

Part 1:

I am a little X chromosome inside Pablo. He is a eight year old kid who has Red-Green color blindness. Pablo’s dad was a carrier ,but he never developed color blindness.This mutation is usually hereditary.  bI was a X chromosome that came from his father. I am a X chromosome that affected Pablo’s red and green cone cells in his eyes that affect the way Pablo looks at those colors. This type of color blindness is called Deuteronomy. There are a bunch of types.Pablo’s sister Tasha however didn’t get it. This is because males have higher chance of develop color blindness because males only have one X chromosome which of it gets damage it gets damaged for good. For a female they have 2 so if one gets damaged the other one can replace it. Pablo has a lot of problems when it comes to subjects in school like in art. He has a lot of difficulties figuring out what color is red, green, yellow, orange and more. He can get very frustrated. On the bright side since his sense of vision is bad his other senses get a big boost. Like he likes smelling fresh laundry, roses and he knows when food is made. He also has really good vision in the dark! And the last time we visited the doctors they talked about lenses that would correct his visions so I think life looking out for this kid!

By:Johannes Ahlmann
By:Johannes Ahlmann









Part 2:

I thought of all these questions: What is color blindness? How is it caused? What colors are see able? Is there different types? How does it affect person? How is it passed down? Is there a treatment? I used various sources like Google, Youtube, Google Scholar and i used very little of Wikipedia. I first googled “color blindness” to get the jist of it. I wanted to know what i was researching. I found lots of sites from Google and Google Scholar  that helped the the information part of the project. And to get an understanding of what it may feel like to be color blind I watched some videos on Youtube which helped a lot. The only part of Wikipedia i used was for the different types of color blindness. I verified it by looking at all the websites I used to see if all the new information was true. Like of a fact was on all the sites i would know it had to be true. Or like of there was a fact that was only on one like source i would have included that. I really think I enjoyed this project (and I’n not saying that to get higher marks)  because of the new things I learn about this topic. I would think that the only thing I could of done better was to come up with at more detailed story!


Sources:(Cited and url)

  • Ahlmanni, Johannes. “Simulation of Different Color Deficiencies, Color Blindness.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 14 Sept. 2011. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.


  • “Early Symptoms.” Colour Blind Awareness. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.

  • “Color Blindness.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.

  • “Causes.” Color Blindness. N.p., 13 Apr. 2009. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.


  • “Facts About Color Blindness.” Facts About Color Blindness. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.

  •   “Inherited Colour Vision Deficiency.” Colour Blind Awareness. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016