Digital footprint

Today internet are widely used in our lives than before and the digital footprint seems more important. It’s like a trail and record all the thing you did on the internet. Or it’s like a name card, it can help others to know who you really are and whether they will choose you. It has great influence to your life. It will effect your future and it will make people get more of you, for example, when you are looking for a job, your social media will be seen to help the company to know […]

The paragraph of ‘Rules of Games’

The relationship between MeiMei and her mom in the story called ‘Rules of Game’ is relaxing, loving and a little bit strain. Firstly, the relationship is relaxing because the writer said a lot about her peaceful childhood and the place she lived with her mother and other family members. Secondly, the relationship between them is loving, for her mom gave her a tablet and it means luck. So we can see that there’s nothing else the mom can give to her but love and bless. Another statement is when she […]