Information Fluency

3 strategies to determine if info from a website is reliable:

  1. Does site look professional? : Does site have a modern/clean design or are objects scattered across the site?
  2. Do the links/animations work? : Are links on the site broken? Do animations/embedded objects load?
  3. Do other sites have conflicting information? : Does the information on the site agree with info from other sites?

URL of a publication:

Instructions on how to get there:

  1. Go to your Riverside homepage bookmark
  2. Click library tab
  3. Scroll down and click “Click Here!”
  4. Under Ebsco Databases, click “Canadian Points of View”
  5. Use username: riversiderapids password: library to logon
  6. Search electricity
  7. Click “Alternative Energy Exploration: An Overview.”
  8. Or simply just click here

A thing I learned:

Today I learned that the internet is a vast database of information and can be used extensively for  research and not just entertainment.


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