Recognizing a Dystopian Society – “Model Citizens”

A dystopia is a future where society is oppressed and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control. Dystopias, through an exaggerated worst-case scenario, make a criticism about a current trend, societal norm, or political system.

Propaganda is used to control people, independence is restricted, someone is worshipped by everyone, everyone is under constant surveillance.

An example of a dystopian society is in “I am Legend”

The cartoon showed here is a dystopian society where everyone in it is enslaved by a powerful being but they don’t know that they’re being enslaved because it’s all they know.



The Eddy Article – “Students outraged about slow internet at Riverside Secondary school”


Students outraged about slow internet at Riverside Secondary school

School wi-fi speed needs to be improved


By Zak Ilhareguy

At Riverside Secondary the internet is very important to many students and teachers as most of the work is done online. The slow internet can delay work and force students and teachers to use data instead as the internet speed is inadequate.

Many students have expressed their feelings about the slow internet at the school, as an example, “I spend most of every lunch hour in the cafeteria and everyone has noticed how terrible the internet is,” says Kai Meusy. In class, one may need to download programs or files but with the current internet speed it could take an extended amount of time, “I wish the internet was better, it takes so long to download files,” says Colin Lambert.

An interview with Mr. Brown has been made to obtain more insight on why the internet is slow and how the speed could be increased.

Riverside Secondary does not have fiber which is a type of modern internet cable that can process and send information very quickly, but “Telus wouldn’t give the district blackline, meaning they wouldn’t allow the data to go through their servers without looking at it,” says Mr. Brown. By Telus not allowing that, it violates a right, which is the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

By next year, the district should be implementing their own fiber which could increase the internet speed substantially but would be expensive. Currently there is an older internet in place which is slower.

The most that can be done now is replacing the wi-fi access points around the school for newer ones, for reference they are the white boxes on the walls and ceilings of classrooms. One can tell the difference between the older and newer ones by the colour of the light on them, the green ones are older, and the blue ones are newer.

Indigenous Podcast – “Taken Away” – Zak & Kai

Taken Away – Ep. 1 Francis Bent – Zak & Kai
We have chose  to do our Indigenous Podcast Project on “Francis Bent”, an indigenous man who was taken away from his family at a very young age and experienced sad and terrible things at his stay in the residential school system. For this project we have used different techniques for making media, such as using image and audio editing softwares, and proper writing styles and formatting. The information collected is from the Legacy of Hope Foundation, a website to share indigenous stories and culture, and to remember what has happened in the past. I learned many things about residential schools during this podcast-making experience, and I’m glad my knowledge has expanded and I am more aware of the horrors seen within these schools.

Short Story to Internet Based Article – “Marionettes Inc.”

Marionette’s Inc. Clone Takes Position of its Owner 

Marionettes Inc. which is a company that manufactures clones of whomever is willing to pay the glorious price of 7000-15,000 depending on the quality of the clone. The clones are exact replicas of the buyer and will adapt to their environment over time, in this case the clone has fallen in love with Braling’s (the buyer) wife. Braling attempted to stop the clone from causing any harm to him, but the clone was persistent in the fact that he wanted what Braling had. Braling had been locked in the same place that his clone was locked in previously, and now his clone has taken his place.  

(Original Photo Made by Zak I) 

The manufacturer did not specify that the clone will turn on its owner at any time, anyone who has purchased a clone from Marionettes Inc. should be aware of this because occurrences like this could happen at any time if the owner mistreats the clone or lets it become too independent. The clone has the capabilities of overcoming anything, in fact they could become smarter than humans.  

If Braling’s clone is planning to hurt Braling, the police will have to intervene and the company Marionettes Inc. will have to act in part as well. The speculations are that Marionettes Inc. Is trying to take over the world by mass producing these clones and controlling them to do what has been done to Braling but it may just be a faulty clone.  


No one knows what Braling’s clone could be planning to do with Braling’s wife either, Braling’s clone is unpredictable as he knows most of the information surrounding braling’s life. The clones are made of carbon fiber and metals which could make them increasingly strong and difficult to capture, there is also the possibility of the clones being weaponized. 


If Braling’s clone plans to leave the country and go to Rio with Braling’s wife, Braling could be in danger as he is trapped in a toolbox in his basement. Braling could starve to death, Braling’s clone could be trying to start a new life with Braling’s wife. No one truly knows what will happen but eventually there must be a conclusion.