Asexual Reproduction Superheroes


Spore formation is the form of asexual reproduction I’ve chosen for my superhero. Spore formation is where a single celled organism creates a new organism within itself when it becomes weak or in danger. The spores are created by the single celled organism but only one spore can be created per cell, the spores also have much resistance to certain weather conditions or environments.


Fungus Man is able to always get out of any situation by exploding its head and releasing spores, the spores can then rest until the coast is clear then, they can grow through stages of mitosis, they become gametophytes, then they become gametes, and then fuse into zygotes, then they go back to a fully grown organism which carries all the spores ready to reproduce once again. This is like cloning but better because the spores have invincibility during their resting stages.

Things I could’ve put on the picture

In the picture I would’ve liked to show the spores bursting out of the sporangia but Fungus Man doesn’t need to do that unless he’s in danger. I would’ve also liked to add the cycle of how a spore reproduces but I provided a description on that. The most I could do was show the neutral state of Fungus Man which is what he would want to be in all the time.

One thought on “Asexual Reproduction Superheroes

  1. Excellent asexual reproduction superhero: Fungus Man. What a great example that demonstrates spore formation in a superhero. Good work including labels of the different parts! Great work including pros and cons of this type of asexual reproduction. Also, great work talking about the limitations of your model, like: “I would’ve liked to show the spores bursting out of the sporangia”. Awesome Job!

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