Photography Portfolio


I took photography because I’ve always been fascinated by it, and I wanted to learn how to use a camera and take great pictures. In this course I learned how to use a camera, use my surroundings, lighting, and background to my advantage to take great pictures, and I learned how to edit and format images. Personally, I really enjoy photography, especially nature photography, it’s a good excuse to go outside and have fun taking pictures of interesting things. I’m the proudest of my pictures that were taken in the studio and out in nature because the pictures I took in those settings turned out the best. What I found challenging about the course was the due dates and many assignments and projects we had and having to use photoshop extensively for a project. My favorite assignments were typology (my featured photo), studio portraits, and macro photography. The assignment I had the most difficulty with was the Avatar project because I wasn’t very familiar with the tools used in the project. In the future I will definitely be investing in a camera of my own and I will be taking pictures on vacations and of people.



This photo is from the project “shape and form”, the photo is of a bench in the foyer of riverside secondary. This is my favorite photo from this project.


This photo was part of the “TechZone” project, and it was taken nearby riverside secondary of a fence. I really like this photo because of how clear the fence chains ended up appearing as well as the background is blurry but still able to tell what it is.

Natural Light Portrait

This photo was a part of the natural light portrait project and was taken within riverside secondary. I quite like this photo because of the contrast between the shade and light on the subject’s face. Something I think I could’ve done better on this photo is that I could’ve tried to get less exposure on the side of the subject’s face where the sun is hitting.


This photo was part of the studio portraits project, and it was taken in the studio at riverside secondary. I really like this picture because I had to get creative when setting up for this picture and I actually didn’t know how to take a silhouette photo prior to figuring it out.


This photo was also part of the studio portraits project. This photo is my favorite from this project because the setting, props, pose, lighting and everything was just perfect in this photo.


This photo was part of the light painting project, It was taken in the riverside studio. I really like this photo because the halo effect created by a light came out very well as well as the praying hands.


This photo was part of the “pick 3” project and it was taken nearby riverside secondary, this photo was taken with a macro lens. Something I found difficulty with taking this photo was the amount of time it took to get the camera to focus and to get the correct angle on the subject.


This photo was also part of the “pick 3” project and was taken at the poco river. This photo is different than what I usually take because there is a lot going on in this photo compared to my other photos, there is the river, the rocks, the grass, the bushes, the trees, and even the powerlines in the back and top of the photo, I think that all these different elements of the photo really bring it together and isolate it from the other photos I’ve chosen.





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