the key

The key


       Happiness can be defined as a mental state of well-being which can be defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to immense joy. Despite having such a straightforward meaning , happiness can be very complex ,complex in the sense that only you can define what makes yourself happy . I Happened to stumble upon a “The New York Times” article titled The Secrets to a happy life , from a Harvard study . What made me become instantly attracted to this article is the fact that I , myself often question what and how happiness is in its raw state . People tend to think that it is tied to money and wealth , but this article disagrees. There are some findings from the Harvard Study of Adult Development , a research project that since 1938 has closely tracked and examined the lives of more than 700 men and in some cases their spouses. The study revealed some surprising – and not so surprising -factors that determine whether people are likely to age happily and healthily , or descend into loneliness, sickness , and mental decline . A series of tests were conducted , monitoring brain activity , and even drawing blood all to conclude the key to being happy. Relationships with friends , and especially spouses  were a major factor in one’s happiness and well being . It literally brings the saying “ happy wife happy life “ to life. The study concludes to show that people who maintained strong relationships with their friends , family , and community faired the best and had a greater chance of being happier than others who do not maintain strong relationships. What had me engage with the article even more was the fact that the author’s style included many factual and concrete data to support his argument  which made it more appealing to myself. In addition , this article has been ranked in the ‘top 18 articles to read before you turn 18’ section , which in turn made me want to read it even more.  So , happiness . As I said before , it is you who define what it truly Is to be happy and in the state of contentment . Some need the materialistic side of things to feel happy , meanwhile others are happy  with the minimum . In the end , each person must do what is in their interest to lead a healthy and happy life .

WW1 Causes

                   1) Serbia , 2) Austria , 3) Russia , 4)Germany , 5)France ,6) Britain

2) Identify the theme and explain the history:

The theme in this slide is Alliances. Germany and Austria had a ‘dual alliance’ in 1879 which is why those two countries are circled the same color.the thing that they have in common would be the alliancw. Russia, France and Britain were all grouped by the Triple Entente. Siberia is also circled blue because Russia would be ready to back Serbia up

3) Identify the theme and explain the history

The theme in this slide is Nationalism.  Austria makes an ultimatum to Serbia after they decide to make those who were involved with the killing of the Austrian Crown prince , to which they refuse and then war is declared

4) Identify the theme and explain the history

The theme in this slide is Imperialism. Germany , France , And Britain are at odds over who controls Africa. Germany is upset that Britain is denying their “place in the sun” to which Britain is making it difficult for them to pass through the north sea or English chanel,  France and Germany quarrel over parts of Africa, and France is seeking revenge regarding the loss of the Alsace-Lorraine region to Germany in 1870.

5) Identify the theme and explain the history

The theme in this slide is Militarism. Britain had a ‘two power standard’ which means their navy had to be equal or better than any two other nation’s navies combined. Germany starts an arms race  with Britain.

6) Explain the sequence of events

Austria issues an ultimatum to Serbia on July 23 to punish those involved in the assassination and suppress nationalism with the assurance of German support. Serbia does not accept the part to allow an Austrian inquiry. Then, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Russians had already mobilized to support Serbia which is why they are about to get involved, in the drawing, against Austria-Hungary. Germany orders Russia to stop mobilizing, and i makes good on its word to Austria and war is declared against Serbia-Russia on August 1st 1914. France orders general mobilization. Germany invades Belgium (neutral at the time) Britain declares war on Germany for violating Belgium’s neutrality earning it a spot in the picture.

7) Analysis

a) The comic’s perspective is told through an Siberian perspective. It shows the consequences of the of the actions in which other regions show their aggression in how they play a part in the rivalry.

b) Serbia is depicted as a child due to their late development in infrastructure compared to other countries. and Siberia is a baby in the sense that it needs protection from the alliance with Triple Entente. (parents)

c) The title plays with the concept of loyalty between the countries. The meaning of a mutual relationship clashing with other mutual relationships in an attempt to be loyal to one’s own responsibility can be, in a way, an act of friendship. The title is ironic because the chain of friendship is not supposed to contain violence;however, that is exactly what the picture depicts. So, it has a sense of duty one has to a friend by showing how ridiculous or tragic a result of a single feeling of duty can lead to.

Saving water :)

  1. water conservation is very important in Canada . Despite there being an abundance of water around the country , it does not prevent us from being responsible citizens and trying to limit the waste of such a valuable resource . After all , we only have 0.01% of fresh water available to us in the form of rivers , lakes , swamps ..etc . Water is not an infinite resource , which means it is bound to run out some day or become ineligible to human consumption . We as Canadians must ensure we protect the main ingredient important to our survival by not being careless with it and reduce waste by all means necessary .



  • what i am doing to conserve water :


  • what i am trying to implement:




1) HIV/AIDS : 1) baby born with HIV , 2) Mother dies during childbirth , 3)child is unable to receive antiretroviral treatments due to lack of resource , 3)child is more vulnerable to diseases which means they can not attend school regularly , 4)child does lacks education and family planning which results in them having many children that carry the disease.

INTERVENTION :Foreign intervention that bring in the resources and doctors that are able to help those who are most vulnerable to make sure they receive Antiretroviral treatment and the proper education so they do not pass it on to their children

2)GIRL BORN INTO INEQUALITY : 1) girl born into inequality ,2)child is neglected and not treated fairly as she would compared to boys , 3)parents dont want to waste resources on her . 4)girl thinks she belongs at home and has no right to pursue education , 5)gets married at a young age and becomes a house fine , limited income and education push her to prostitution.

too often are women blamed for the actions of men . if men get educated on this issue , inequality will be wiped out.


3) CHILD BORN INTO POVERTY: 1) Child born into poverty ,2)Parents can not afford food for the child – malnutrition , 3)parents can not afford education due to them having numerous kids , 4)child is forced to get a job in order to help feed his family , 5) child does not get proper education and gets married early and has too many children .

INTERVENTION: provide free education and provide schools with adequate resources to provide the children with a safe learning environment. – pose sanctions on workplaces that employ children below the age of 12.

population distribution -socials 11


Define Pessimists/Malthusians, Neo Malthusians, and Optimists/cornucopians

, predict that disaster will overtake populations in the world’s poorest
developing countries in the next 50 years due to increas-
ing global warming, shortages of arable land, conflicts
over fresh water, declining fish stocks, and the spread of
AIDS or other diseases
 faith in mankind’s
ability to find innovations that will increase Earth’s carrying capacity.
believe that population would soon outstrip
food supply, leading to famine, disease, and social disor-
der. Malthus’s predictions were not realized, since he did
not foresee the improvements in agriculture, hygiene,
and medicine
  • Watch Unreported World: Kenya’s Human Time Bomb and Hans Rosling’s TED Talk: Global population growth, box by box.
    • State which category from #1 do the two videos fit into
    • Explain by providing quotes and timestamps from the video that justifies your categorization
  • Kenya’s Human time bomb fit into the neo-malthusian group. Because Environmental conditions and conflicts between the people and government have forced the people of Kenya into a life of poverty and safety insecurity . As stated by the school principle himself , due to the education lacking resources the youth often resort to gang life , which in the end adds more to the conflict over land and resources. Because of the high births , tradition , limited education , lack of resources ,and little to no family planning Kenya’s population continues to grow exponentially which puts it at stage 2 in the DTM. Due to this , their problem is not likely to disappear because along with their economic growth their population continues to grow at the same rate which has no benefits to the people.Because of this , Kenya’s problems are not likely to disappear any time soon unless they improve education , safety and a number of other factors including better family planning to eventually slow the rapid increase of births in the country


  • on the other hand , the global population growth , bob by box ted talk had a more open and optimistic outlook , Which is why I thought that it would fit into the optimists group. Hans Rosling’s explanation of things was that “the west” is ought to be the foundation for advances for the developing countries and that education and family planning is the only way the developing countries can progress from their current state. Hans’s explanation of the entire situation was simple , better education and family planning = less births and better life .


population pyramid – Malta

  1. Find the dependency ratio, is it high or low?

dependency ratio is 52 , which is more than half so it is high

2.Describe the situation in the country based on the info in your population pyramid (births, deaths, health, age, male/female, type of pyramid, stage in DTM etc.)

based on the information provided , the number of births is significantly less and the deaths are more which means that the population is in stage 5 of the demographic transition model which signals the decline of the population . the population is rather healthy and has a decent number of senior citizens for its small population size .there seems to be more females than males in Malta

Explain what the country needs to prepare for in the near future and why you think that. (health, population, business, policies, etc. Connect this to your observations)

Malta would need to prepare to cope with economic issues involving worker shortage due to the fact that the number of the older population outnumbers the youth workforce and should be ready to offer better wages for youth workers. Health wise , the country should prepare to have more special care for its senior cohorts who are in more abundance than any cohort . Businesses might and should result to old fashioned appeal so it can attract the older cohort, especially automobile and technology companies . Automobiles would have to make their cars in a way that appeals to the older section of the population and this can be done by bringing back classic vehicles and slightly modifying them to be road fit. We have seen this with Ford when it bought back its classic design. Technology companies may have to opt to making very basic and understandable products that the senior cohort can be comfortable with using.