1. Kingsway:  follows the original false creek aboriginal trail main road from false creek to new westminster.
  2. Gastown: a man named gassy jack made a salloon near the hastings mill for the workers since they could not dink.  That area was called gastown and basically started vancouver.
  3. Port moody: port moody was supposed to be the end of the CPR and the land value went up but it was decided that it was going to be in vancouver.
  4. Waterfront station: The terminus of the CPR was water front station and it made vancouver the city it is.
  5. Fort langley: First European settlement, older than vancouver
  6. New westminster:  The original capital of BC.
  7. North road: built by the royal engineers to connect port moody to new westminster.
  8. Hastings Mill: brought workers to the mill and made vancouver a big city.
  9. Hamilton st: lockland hamilton surveyed all of vancouver and surveyed east of hamilliton st which he named after him self.
  10. Stanley Park:  originally military reserve land and is leased by vancouver to make a park and there is still reminence of millitary land on it.