The five themes of geography are location, place, regions, movement, human and environmental interaction, which include absolute location which is coordinated, relative location which is a location described by distance or time, physical landscape which is any landscape made by the earth, cultural landscape is any landscape made by humans, formal regions are areas defined by political borders, functional regions are areas that are defined by an activity, perpetual regions are areas defined by the thoughts of someone or something, globalization which is the movement of people or ideas or trends form one place to another, and human interactions with the environment which is how humans use the earth to advance.
examples of the five themes in port coquitlam are : the absolute location of town hall is 2580 Shaughnessy St, Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3G3. The relative location of Burke mountain is about 8 km north of the train tracks. A Physical landscape in port coquitlam is the coquitlam river which is on the western border. A cultural landscape in port coquitlam is the dikes on the pit river. The formal region is obviously port coquitlam itself. The functional region is the the port coquitlam – coquitlam riding. The perpetual regions are north side and south side. globalization in port coquitlam and in most of canada is imagration. Our interactions with the environment include cutting down forests to build houses and filling in ponds and creeks to build over.
February 5, 2016 at 12:33 am
You can break up your first paragraph into sentence structured around each theme. You could start with location and then explain what the two types are. That would be one sentence. Then place and the two types, that’s the next sentence.
Your examples are correct but they could use a bit more of an explanation rather than just being statements. For example, how is immigration an example of movement and what evidence do we have of that in PoCo?