Spoken word Poem New Media 11 2023


By Zachary Mowat 

Homework here 

Homework there 

There’s Homework everywhere 

Studying every day, every night 

With no end in sight 

With all this homework  

My future isn’t bright  

Teachers always complaining  

I can’t get it right  

My bags always heavy 

I can’t remember  

The last time 

It was light  

When I don’t have homework  

It is always a delight 

But that has never happened  

In my life  

Never having time   

To get my work done on time 

It’s getting me up tight  

If the schoolwork 

 Keeps piling up  

I might just 

Hop on a flight  

But despite all of this 

I still must push through  

Because if I don’t do my homework 

I know my future also isn’t bright  

So I must continue to fight because  

In the end I know everything will be alright 

 And I will finally be able to celebrate  

And see the daylight  

And later on I will be able to put a roof 

Over my head 

And go to the park with my kids 

To go fly a kite 

Which will be 

A beautiful sight  

My smile will be bright  

But until that day 

I just gotta keep on doing my work 

So eventually I can find work  

And not turn into a twerp  

One more year left 

How much worse can it get 

I don’t have anything left 

All the stress  

Worn on me 

Like a dress  

Teachers playing with my grades 

Like a game of chess 

Will all of this just be  

One big regret  

But no, I can’t make my parents upset 

I must have success  

Otherwise, I will be oppressed  

Expectations heavier than a bench-press  

And they’ll never let me forget  

All this mess 

But I digress. 





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