Taming of the Shrew Induction Scene Stop Motion Project

The Taming of the Shrew, is a comedy play written and produced by William Shakespeare.  Over the course of one week, myself, Jon and Emilio all worked tirelessly to produce a Lego stop motion adaptation of the play. Emilio’s role was to supply the filming equipment (his mom’s iPad) as well as edit and upload the final version of the project, pose the figurines and wrote the screenplay for the scenes. Jon’s role was to film the scenes, wrote the treatment plan for the project, supplied the backdrop and helped the recording of the narration. My role was to supply the actors and actresses (Lego’s) I also wrote the narration, assisted with production and posing and supplied the music for the project. I also wrote the main write for the final edit of the project. The inset and induction from the play relates to our project by including the same scenes as the actual play as well as using the same characters. We used the stop motion technology as the sole basis for production in this project, we used the app we used called “Stopmotion”, the program was very simple to use as all you had to do was take the pictures, from there, the app provides options such as, add sound and effects, remove slides, and adjust the speed. Other apps we used were “text to speech” for the narration and “Spotify” for the music. The main challenge for the production of this project was the posing of the minifigures, the figures were hard to work with in the small space that we had, another difficulty was the positioning of the camera. We all learned how to produce a stop motion film using the app “Stopmotion” for the first as well as the possibilities of text to speech.


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