Walter Mitty Project

Zac Knowler
Mr. Barazzuol
04 October 2017
Walter Mitty’s extra dream

With Walter knowing he has to think quick he spits outs the cigarette right in front of the firing squad and with a chuckle he mutters “Isn’t it a little toasty” “wooosh” the cigarette landed on some shrubs and the whole building caught on fire the firing squad in attempts to grab Walter the fire spreads blocking to Walter he stands up turns around and starts walking towards the edge of the roof. With firing squad in shock Walter turns back gives one last wave and a head nod and takes a step “whoosh” the bullets missed his head by inches

thud “oh my god hunny are you ok? You just missed the step on the stairs and fell. Down to the bottom of the stairwell” said Mrs.Mitty very startled and worried about her husbands health and brain from them fall wondering if he will do something like this again. ” What do you mean i’m i’m fine don’t worry and bout me” said Walter
Walter started to fall asleep in his bed he closed his eyes at home and opened them.. he was in New York wondering the streets he didn’t know where he was tho it all looked so familiar Walter ran up to a stranger and asked them where he is the stranger didn’t even respond to Walter. He tried again with another stranger no response, then another, and another. Walter thought I’m dead I’m actually dead he walks out into the middle of they street cars don’t even swerve around him just go right by just before Walter reaches the sidewalk on the other side he hear “Ok ready boys” said a manly voice Walter stops and looks around he cant see anyone he then proceeded to the sidewalk waiting to cross the street “bee dop beee dop” the pedestrian walk sign goes Walter waits a second then goes it changes to a red stoop hand Walter Starts his walk seeing the numbers counting down 13,12,11 and then he hears “10!!, 9!!!, 8!!!!, 7!!!!, 6!!!, 5!!!, 4!!!, 3!!!, 2!!!!, 1!!!!, “ring ring ring”…

“Walter how are you feeling now i didn’t want to wake you last night” said mrs.Mitty
“I’m good happy to be here” said Walter

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