I made a KOREAN STYLE EGG CURRY, which is this; egg-curry

I used some of my father’s recipe. Such as this; use sliced onion, use some spinashes instead of Chopped cilantro leaves, and use some indian spices. My mom told me that we don’t have cummin powder, so I used three kind of indian spices which are these; termuric and special cumin powder.

Firstly, I boiled egg 6 minuites, but it was too soft boiled egg, so I boiled it 4 minuites more. However it was still soft boiled, I add 6 minuites more so total 16 minutes. I didn’t noticed that I need more time when I use more egg.

I pilled out my eggs, and fried with sliced onion. I add some more salt and pepper.

I add some chiken stock with my eggs and onion, to make soup.

I add some spinaches, and powders, and some flavores. And spent some time to boiled down.

Secondly I just did Gyeranmali, which is this; korean-egg-rolls

At first, I mixed 5 eggs with salt and peper, some spaniches, and some carrots.

Then I rolled up my egg.

I cool down egg roll, and cut it in to pieces.

This is my final dish.

Finally, this is my final view of sink. I didn’t take a picture of my first, but it was very dirty.

This is the total point of my mom’s for my dish.