safety story

There was a student whose name is Mark. He prepared his experiment about the change of the Candle. He put some fire on his candle. but he didn’t had the goggles because anyone noticed and remind him that he didn’t take his google. So he was go on without google, and his eye was hurt because of the smoke. And he just need to run to the eyewash station and wash his eye.

these are the symboles;

Health Hazard – anything that will give you breathing problems.

Flame – substances that are flammable and able to ignite from anything such as water or air.

Exclamation Mark – it causes immediate skin or eye damage.

Gas Cylinder – harmful gasses that are put in pressurized containers.

Exploding Bomb – anything at a high risk to explode.

Skull and Cross bone – poisons, or very harmful acids.

Environmental Hazard – chemical harmful to aquatic life.

Flame Over Circle – use fire to burn longer or larger

Corrosive – can cause immediate damage to the human body and be dissolved by material.



I’ll Uproad the picture(sorry i cant find my drowings)

these are the locations of stations;

Fume Hood: Go out the room and take a right to room 201

Emergency Shower: Go out the room and take a right to room 201

Fire Alarm Pull:  Beside the stairs beside 209.


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