Power Information Fluency


I’m going to talk about Justin Trudeau and Dams. First of all, I will talk about what the is dam like. The dam is an information fluency with water. Dams were built for immersions and dimensions across mountain valleys and narrow lake. This is the way we use it in our lives, and dimensions are what we have to do in the event of a natural disaster. The dam also has water and embankment functions, and the lake formed by the dam is called a reservoir. Dams are useful in Canada, especially in BC, because we are placed in nearby oceans, and when it’s raining, it rains hard, and too much. We have harder weather and climates here, so we need dams in B.C. There are two examples of negative and positive hands. In Egypt, in Nile River, Egyptians are almost lost their heritages in the dam, but with citizens’ help, they saved their heritages. But in the other hand, they lost their nature. When it rained, soil erosion became severe, the resources supplied to the soil became wastewater, and all the untreated heritage sank into the water.



  1. What is the dam?
  2. What are the benefits of the dam?
  3. What are the issues of the dam?
  4. What are the other energy productions for an alternate?


  • What questions did you need to ask in order to research your topic?

I used these questions for my topic;

  1. What is the dam?
  2. What are the benefits of the dam?
  3. What are the issues of the dam?
  4. What are the other energy productions for an alternate?


  • What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

I used a Korean blog to gather information. There were climates about Korea, so I changed into the Canadian climate.

  • What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=cnt_reporter&logNo=221040124238&proxyReferer=https:%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F(Korean blog post)

https://www.uhakbrain.com/캐나다-도시별-날씨-기온-강수량/(Korean Canada studying center)

http://blog.daum.net/sunny38/11775393(Korean blog about Egyptians Dam)

  • How did you verify and cite the information you found?

I searched from the official dam cites in Korea, and I found the facts and checked the blogs that were perfect to use in my assignments.

  • How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

I was challenged in understanding questions. The questions are quite complex for me, so I think I need to improve my scientific English more, and basic English.

Quarantine Cookbook – Recipe #2 – Low/High Sodium

My low calory food is Tofu Stake. I like this stake because I like this dish, and also cooking. I love the texture of tofu, and there’s alternate material, meat. We mixed all materials and fried. This recipe is very simple. I love to make food; if the recipe is simple, I rather cook it.


one-half head
an egg
a quarter of a wave
1/5 of carrot
a quarter of pumpkins
0.26 curry powder
a pinch of pepper
0.42 litre of pancake powder
0.26 litres salt




My high sodium dish is a Hashbrown burger. I also like this food, because I love to eat hashbrown, rather than original bread. This recipe is a little bit hard, but I made this food once a month. I love a burger; I love hashbrown, the materials are my favourites, for those reasons, I love this food.


six pieces of hash brown
Six pieces of chicken nuggets, three slices of lettuce
1/4 onion
0.26 litres of tomatoes
three rows of bacon
three slices of cheese
0.2 litres of ketchup


Community connection – ADL 10

I have volunteered in the Korean Methodist Church of Vancouver. In the church, I do band and help congregations(cooking lunch, or cleaning the church after every Sunday service). In a group, my position is the clarinet. I’ve learned the clarinet for a long time, so I am willing to volunteer at the church. For me, I consider the flexibility of mind as the ultimate virtue to be a prosperous leader indwelled with both leadership and thoughtful manners. I feel proud and fortunate that I was able to grow up with diverse experiences. I consider my adaptiveness and cooperative spirit assets to overcome adversities from numerous different environments and to become the confident person that I am today. 

source: https://southsidebaptist.ca/


I love caring for children who are in kindergarten. So I worked at Metro Vancouver Korean Language School. The Korean language has been a substantial part of my life. While teaching the children how to read, speak, and write Korean, I had the opportunity to interact with children of different age groups. I am sure that I helped foster an exciting atmosphere where children are encouraged to work in groups and have fun. It was very motivating because it makes me proud of teaching children. I successfully gained leadership and meticulousness. It was an enjoyable experience to share my knowledge and create a positive mentality for the children. Hence, I can surely say I have grown self-control, diligence, and have become stronger psychologically. This experience proved the effectiveness in which empathy results in my behaviours and an excellent opportunity to find my matching interest in career planning. This empathetic attitude became vital to me as I realized the heart-warming harmony that comes from truly understanding the emotions of others. Thus, I aspire to live every day empathizing with the problems of the family members, classmates, and acquaintances, making life much more meaningful and joyful. When this pandemic is finished, I am willing to help children learning Korean. 



I made a KOREAN STYLE EGG CURRY, which is this; egg-curry

I used some of my father’s recipe. Such as this; use sliced onion, use some spinashes instead of Chopped cilantro leaves, and use some indian spices. My mom told me that we don’t have cummin powder, so I used three kind of indian spices which are these; termuric and special cumin powder.

Firstly, I boiled egg 6 minuites, but it was too soft boiled egg, so I boiled it 4 minuites more. However it was still soft boiled, I add 6 minuites more so total 16 minutes. I didn’t noticed that I need more time when I use more egg.

I pilled out my eggs, and fried with sliced onion. I add some more salt and pepper.

I add some chiken stock with my eggs and onion, to make soup.

I add some spinaches, and powders, and some flavores. And spent some time to boiled down.

Secondly I just did Gyeranmali, which is this; korean-egg-rolls

At first, I mixed 5 eggs with salt and peper, some spaniches, and some carrots.

Then I rolled up my egg.

I cool down egg roll, and cut it in to pieces.

This is my final dish.

Finally, this is my final view of sink. I didn’t take a picture of my first, but it was very dirty.

This is the total point of my mom’s for my dish.

Eggs recipe at home

Japanese Egg Sandwich (Tamago Sando) たまごサンド

My breakfast food is a Japanese egg sandwich called by Tamago(egg salad) Sando(sandwich). Tamagosando is my favourite food in Japan. this is easy, and delicious. I put some pieces of egg in it, to put some more flavour.



My lunch is egg curry. This is Indian food, but I make it by Korean style.


Egg Rolls Recipe – Tamagoyaki

My dinner is Korean style egg roll. It doesn’t call by Tamagoyaki, it is named Gyeranmali. Tamagoyaki is softer than Gyeranmali, and it is a plain egg(it doesn’t have any materials, only egg). Gyeranmali is a famous Korean food in Korea. Most people eat this food when they eat a meal or spicy food. And they eat this with Ketchup.

the recipe is at the end of these three blog

FN10 Consumable Wast Assignment

Q1., Q2. and Q3.
The most foods that I use to eat are made of boxes or plastic bags. It is coting by waterproof plastic,  I think those are made by waterproof plastic because of the foods can get some water because of vapor.


it is organized by positively, because of that consumers should buy their food.


if we ate this food, it can be ruin and rotten.

Q6. and Q7.

usually, it is in our refrigerator, but when it is all done, it goes into the trashcan.


we can make it by these; 1. don’t buy food too much, 2. If you buy a lot of food, don’t leave any food waste.

safety story

There was a student whose name is Mark. He prepared his experiment about the change of the Candle. He put some fire on his candle. but he didn’t had the goggles because anyone noticed and remind him that he didn’t take his google. So he was go on without google, and his eye was hurt because of the smoke. And he just need to run to the eyewash station and wash his eye.

these are the symboles;

Health Hazard – anything that will give you breathing problems.

Flame – substances that are flammable and able to ignite from anything such as water or air.

Exclamation Mark – it causes immediate skin or eye damage.

Gas Cylinder – harmful gasses that are put in pressurized containers.

Exploding Bomb – anything at a high risk to explode.

Skull and Cross bone – poisons, or very harmful acids.

Environmental Hazard – chemical harmful to aquatic life.

Flame Over Circle – use fire to burn longer or larger

Corrosive – can cause immediate damage to the human body and be dissolved by material.



I’ll Uproad the picture(sorry i cant find my drowings)

these are the locations of stations;

Fume Hood: Go out the room and take a right to room 201

Emergency Shower: Go out the room and take a right to room 201

Fire Alarm Pull:  Beside the stairs beside 209.


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