What would be the effects if earth rotated the other direction?

If the earth abruptly changed its rotational direction, probably many things we see every day would be destroyed.The best differences are the sun rise. Sun would rise in the West to set in the East. Another difference is the winds. It will  around and blow from west to east at 30 degrees north and south of the equator. For the moon and stars, it would rise in the East to set in the West. This Earth would have different climates and weather changing. Also, Africa would have lots of trees, and desert would cover North America. The cold weather would suffer to Eastern Europe. And Cyanobacteria, a group of bacteria that produce oxygen by photosynthesis, bloomed where they never had before. And the Earth, every 24 hours, spinning by North Pole to South Pole.

I focussed on the Earth’s rotation, but I knew there will be lots of changing, because of the Earth’s rotation. I also though that Sun, Moon, and stars would rise by opposite site.


3 thoughts on “What would be the effects if earth rotated the other direction?

  1. Thanks for your post but something is missing. Please include part 2 of your assignment where you talk about your information fluency process.

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