Essay Correction

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Countee Cullen

Langston Hughes

I was very happy to hear Mrs.Thomasen saying that some of my writing was “smart”, and my essay was “well researched”. With English being my second language, it’s very delightful to receive such a comment from my English teacher, and that’s something I’m really proud of. The other aspect that has been improved about my writting is that I’m better at jointing the seperate pieces of information together and let the meaning make sense for the English speakers, because the word order in Chinese is so different from that in English. And it takes time for me to get used to switch my language expression back and forth when I’m in different situations with different people.
And of course, there are many flaws I should fix and so many things I want to do better next time. The first thing that’s definitely going to be improved is my vocabulary. As all my friends know, I love reading. So I’ll have read more novels, poems, proses, and everything we learn in class by the time we write our second essay; I hope I could use more sholarly and professional words, to make my essay look more mature. People should never be satisfied with the vocabulary they’ve already grasped, I can’t say I know all the words in Chinese, even though it is my mother toungue; there are so many ancient phrases and idioms I don’t understand, and learning more vocabulary is anctually so much fun. The other thing I want to do better in is that I really don’t want to write LONG, tedious, endless sentencess about a simple opinion! And this is like my biggest drawback whenever I start to write. I’m really bad at summarizing my ideas and making them short, sometimes I say a whole bunch of gibberish to explain the simplest idea, guess part of it is because I enjoy reading books like “Catcher in the Rye”– books having the charaters just keep talking withour an aim… I’m working on shorten my opinion by paying more attention to native speakers’ speaking skills. It is really helpful to improve this weakness when I have the language environment; as far as I know, there are some words with the meaning that can conclude a whole sentence in English, and that’s one of the reasons why I love English.