BC’s waste management syetem is not as efficient as we thought it was, there’re still improvement we need to make in order to make the system more sustainable. Let’s first take a look of how some other parts of the world deal with their garbages:
As the world’s largest trash generator, China is still finding a way to deal with its own garbage while a big amount of garbage ending up becoming landfills and flowing down the river. This is a drawback of China about how to deal with the waste, however, it has the world’s largest e-commerce market, consisting of 42% of global transactions, and the largest mobile payment market, These two pole positions make China the best place in the world to innovate digital solutions for waste. Therefore, a lot of developed countries send their digital waste China, this can also be a solution to BC’s digital waste.
Also, some Chinese restaurants are using a U.K. technology system called Winnow”, to save the food waste from the kitchen chefs, how it works is that the kitchen staff are trained to log the food they are throwing away, which is then automatically weighed by the trash bin. The technology analyzes the value of what is dumped, in both economic and environmental terms, and provides analytics reports to help the kitchen run more efficiently. Globally, Winnow’s system has helped to save one meal from the bin every two seconds, since starting in 2013. it can probably be an efficient solution for BC’s food waste.
Rather than using other kinds of plastic, Japanese people use a plastic called “PET” resin, which is a reusable material, instead. What Japan does with its domestic PET resin waste is that they crush the collections into flakes then pelletize them so that they can get fiber out of those resin wastes to create spun yarns. A lot of recycled uniforms are made through this process and it reduces the plastic wastes efficiently. So why don’t we use this kind of plastic and try to recreate uniforms and clothes out of them? If companies in BC utilizes the technology of recycling this type of plastic, we don’t even need to send our own plastic waste to other developing countries, where all the plastic waste ended up piling up somewhere unknown.
Generally speaking, Canada doesn’t seem to have a complete circular economy system; when it comes to deal with various types of wastes, the most common thing Canadian government chooses to do is to transfer them to some other countries instead of fully reuse and recycle the recycable waste. Since the biggest reason why the companies in BC would not like to create more useful things from recycling our wastes is the few benifits they could get from doing so, the government should introduce policies to encourage more companies to regenerate our waste effectively except for landfilling and reducing the amount of useing the unrecycle wastes; and at the same time, companies that are in cahrge of dealing with wastes in BC should learn more efficient technologies to recycle and manage our wastes from other countries that have more advaced technologies.