Author Archives: Yasmeen
Business core competency
Science – couqutlim river and Pond reflection
we went to the pond behind the school and the Couqutlim River to check the water quality and to see what species live there. this is connected to the 4 spheres which are the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. the geosphere is connected because of the land surrounding the river and the pond, the atmosphere is connected because of the rain that was happening that didn’t allow us to go out on some days, and the hydrosphere is water which is both found at the river and the pond and the biosphere are the living things that are found in the water.
Couqutlim River
We went to The Coquitlam River to see what species live there, we as a group found a fish but as a class, we found more than one fish which was surprising to me because I thought that there would be some big fish that were fishable. We also saw lots of small species but weren’t able to identify all of them but some of them were only crayfish, stonefly, dragonfly, and many other ones that we couldn’t identify. But we did see some small worms also some were red and some were white. The water was cold which made it hard for some of the group members who were going in the water, even though the weather was warm and the sun was up, but I think it was cold because the past few days it was raining. we did water testing at the river we tested the PH, Dissolved oxygen, temperature change, Nitrates, Phosphates, Turbidity, and Total dissolved salts and the result was 83.3 which was good enough to have many things live there. The purpose of going to the river was to find the living things that were living there.
Riverside’s Oxbow Pond
we went to the pond at first we found like at the river lots of things but we weren’t able to identify them all we did find 3 fish which was surprising because we were the lucky team among the class who found many things. we measured the water quality and it was 68.9 which meant that there would be some living things there. also, the water didn’t smell that well so I wondered how some things could live there but I guess things could live there. There also was too much mud and the pond was not that deep but standing in it would make a person sink slowly so the people who were going into the pond had to be careful. as a result of the water quality testing the river water was much more clear then the pond.
throughout this experience, I learned things that I didn’t know before such as getting to know that some species can live in dirty water like it’s a normal thing I also learned more about aquarium species and how they live and where they live because in a river there is headwater midwater and low reach and it matters where those aquarium species need to live. I also learned how to test the water and how to check if it is good or bad for living.
core competencies english 9 first people
Elemental Infofluency – Xenon
Part 2
1. what is Xenon?
2. what is Xenon used for?
3. where can Xenon be found?
4. What is the meaning behind the word Xenon?
5. When was Xenon discovered?
- Youtube
- Gale
I got my information mostly from Google and different kinds of websites but I did also use Gale for some things that I needed to make sure were right. I read what was on the sites and analyzed what I needed and what information I was looking for. I tried to ask some good questions when making the Sway I also tried to add as much information as I could because I didn’t want to copy anything from the sites so I tried to write things in my own words.
While making this project I did have a hard time trying to find information that I was looking for and if it was useful information. I did make sure to add the important/main information about the element how it works and where it’s found but if I had tried harder I think I would have added more information and researched more about the element. Also, I did try to make sure that while making the Sway I used it in every way I could and tried to design it in a way that would satisfy me and that would suit the element in a good way.
Riverside Records Presents – Spooky Forest
Front Album Cover
Back Album Cover
Sources used are:
🤖 🖼 AI Art Generator: Create Stunning AI Art – NightCafe Creator
COL Indigenous Exploration – Food Insecurity
While making this project I have learned many things that I think might be able to help me move forward. Also, the things that I learned were about the first nations and how they lived their lives in the past and how they survived. I as well learned about their food and what they ate. While making this project I just wanted to learn about the first nations food insecurity’s and what are the foods they ate but I ended up learning more then I needed I learned about their health issues and what they had experienced in the past. I had a tough time trying to get enough information. I was worried about not having enough so I tried to add as much as I can I also had a challenging time trying to pronounce words I had to practice before saying the words and that did take some time from me. Not only that but I was nervous while recording and I tried to talk too fast which didn’t sound so good. But while facing all of those obstacles I did my best to try to make it sound good. I also have learned more about Audacity and how to use it. I have used Audacity before in middle school, but I forgot everything about it but now that I have used it, I know how to use it. I did things alone, so I faced some difficulties while making it such as finding information and setting up the script, I was worried about not having enough information, so I made sure to add as much as possible. Also, I have shared some personal information which I didn’t really want to share but to have enough information and to make it make since I did share. I also have learned some editing while doing this project.
Community Connection – Yasmeen
Can you explain your roles and responsibilities in your current position?
“I was an English and ELL in a high school teaching grades 8 to 12. I worked in one classroom and the kids had to come to me except in the first years of teaching. Also, I was the English coordinator like a leader or head teacher for the other teachers. helping run the exams and helping with textbooks.”
What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?
” Finding a balance between work and home because with teaching there is lots of work inside of work and outside. Because there are lots of things to deal with like having to keep up with technology and programs and the different things to do. Also, phones are a big thing with kids nowadays so it’s hard to keep up with them. Also, you need to be able to manage with the students and care for them because they are still growing.”
What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you’re doing?
” For a person that wants to be a teacher, they need passion because kids do care about that and they see and that is what keeps you going when having a hard time. You have to be able to work with lots of different people because you are working with kids teachers and parents. Also, you need to be caring because you need to care about the kids and their feelings. Also, be willing and open-minded and prepared to make mistakes and be adaptable and know it’s a hard job. You need to be ready because it’s hard at the begging especially in the first 5 years. After all, somepeople don’t last the first 5 years.”
Why are you passionate about your job or role?
“I love the subject that I’m teaching I love reading and writing and working with my colleagues and the kids. I got to meet lots of people and lots of intelligent and interesting kids. There are lots of things I have learned and got to teach some awesome things. One of the things I love is having kids work together and get together and have fun while learning. And all of that has given me hope and patience to keep going.”
If you would to do something different what would it be?
” It would have been nice to change place and try a different school because I stayed in the same school for 30 years without getting moved to another school also it would be nice if it’s close to home.”
Have you ever regretted being a teacher? why or why not?
” Yes sometimes just when the job becomes too much and too much out of the school like I’m working while I’m at the doctor, bus, weekends ect… and it’s like I have always been working and I have regrated some time the work was overwhelming and sometimes the student and parents and people can be unreasonable when it comes to marks.”
What were your intentions first when becoming a teacher?
” I would say it’s funny because I’m an introvert and it’s a hard part for me to keep the kids engaged. My goal is to overcome that and be more fun so the kids are comfortable with me. And I have achieved that just when I got to know the kids and the people around me it became way more easier. And as a teacher, I have to get to know the kids and know that some kids are shy or need help.”
I intreveied a teacher her name is Ivanka Cotic this is her phone number 6049453674 we meet and I got to interviewed her.
I interviewed a teacher because I would like to be one someday but not a high school teacher I would like to teach little kids because I love kids and I think that I can take good care of them and I would be pretty happy if I could get to teach them and take care of them. I have learned lots of things while interviewing Ivanka because I thought it might be kind of easy to teach kids it is also hard because they have their own needs and they get mad when something is not working. and sometimes it might be hard for a teacher to be able to manage their time between work and home I also would love to have my own family and be able to take care of them and give them my love because a teacher can be busy sometimes which can be hard.
Texestiles weekly blogs
Week#, Date, Title
Minimum of 3 photos. Additional media like video or audio is optional.
Vocabulary word that pertains to the work done in this subject this week, including a definition, and detail of how it pertains to the work done.
Reflection that includes a strength, stretch and goal in relation to one of the core competencies.
Week#1, Jan 31/2024, Starting a new class
Vocabulary word: Thread clipers, Thump pusher the thread clippers are used to clip or cut the thread when it’s too long or if it’s too much. for the thump pushers they are used when the needle needs to be pushed and it’s too hard for it to go in so you can use it when pushing something to go in.
This week we kinda started the class going and introduced each other with our names. We got our weekly blogs started and getting used to the new class. we also labled our own bins with our own names on them. For next week I would like to get started on projects and stitching.
Week#2, Feb 6/2024 pillow stitches
Vocabulary word: embroidery I didn’t know what this word meant before but now I know it’s like designing or adding beads to something that is done to make it look pretty/beautiful.
For this week I learned lots of new stitches while making a pillow. It was a very new experience that I hadn’t done before. I got to try and learn new stitches that I didn’t know before. I finished working on the life on land project research. and now I’m sketching out the base of the Life on Land stuffed animal. My goal for next week is to get my life on land stuffed animal.
Week#3, feb 15/2024, learning about sewing mechine
Vocabulary word: spool pin It helps the thread go around the sewing machine with ease as well as holding the spool properly.
For this week I have mostly worked on my life on land stuffed Animal I am almost done I think I have put lots of work into it and I feel pretty proud because I didn’t know if it’d turn out to look good or if I might hard time working on it also, I feel like I have learned some new things by working on this project. also this week we started to learn about the sewing machine we started by learning about the different parts and what they do. for next week I would like to have my Stuffed Animal done and get started on the sewing machines.
Week#4, feb 22/2024, sewing machine
Vocabulary word: bobbin winder A bobbin winder is a tool that is used to load thread from a larger spool onto a small round spool in a sewing machine. when a bobbin runs out of thread it can be regained by placing the bobbin on the bobbin winder.
This week I have finished working on the life on land animal and started to use the sewing machine which first I did a quiz to start and then started to use the machine and I had to practice using the diffrent stichech and getting used to the sewing machine.
Week#5, feb 29/2024, pillow case
Vocabulary word: Cotton fabric the cotton fabric is the most used in the world. While cotton is more durable than silk, it is less durable than wool.
This week I had a hard time trying to get the pillow case done because I made one at first but then I found out that I had made many mistikes so I have to restart everything and make it all over agian but I did learn things from making it.
Week#6, mar 8/2024, Kid Size T-shirt
Vocabulary word: A fold line is the edge of a pattern piece that is to be placed on the fold. if you want to get double pieces of the fabric you need to cut on the fold line.
For this week I cuted out the out lines for the kid t-shirt and i also cuted the fabric for them. hopfuly i get to start sewing the t-shirt next week. I had to find a fitted fabric for the t-shirt i had some optines but i picked a blue fabric because i think it would look good in blue. I also i’m hoping not to mess anything but when sewing the shirt because My lines are not straight when sewing. Also there are lots of steps when making this t-shirt and many things to look out for when making it. i belive by now i can see and decied what fabric i need when pick to pick something.
Week#7, mar 14/2024, Kid Size T-shirt
Vocabulary word: A seam ripper, it’s a small sewing tool used for cutting and removing stitches. this tool has helped me plenty of times because I can’t make my sewing line straight so whenever I messed up I used it to unsew the stitches that I messed up.
For this week I made lots of mistakes but I did learn a lot I also know that I need to work on my straight lines when sewing because I always mess up when making something. I also made many mistakes when attaching the sleeves to the shirt. this week I have developed more of my understanding of the sewing machine and how it works because I made lots of mistakes which gave me more experience and to always make sure that everything is right before starting something.
Week#8, Apr 4/2024, shorts
Vocabulary word: A fold cut line is where you cut around it when cutting a lineout for example the kids size t-shirt of the kids size shorts.
for this week I worked on the shorts for a kids size i cut out the outline and then started to cut the fabric out i haven’t done it yet but hopefully, I’ll be able to start working on the shorts.
Week#9, Apr 11/2024, shorts part 2
Vocabulary word: textiles pins you use them to put pins n the fabric so you can sew the fabric it also can hold your fabrics togather so you don’t have to worry when using the sewing mechain and you can take out the pins while sewing.
this week I did Mid Term Self-Evaluation which I thought would be easy but I ended up messing it up and I had to do it 3 times. Then I worked on the shorts still not even near finishing them. I started working/sewing the pockets on which I hope I don’t mess up or do anything that will make me want to regret doing what I did.
Week#10, Apr 17/2024, shorts part 3
Vocabulary word: cyano is a chemical that if it’s put in the sun it turn to green then blue and dark blue it gets more darker the more its kept in the sun
For this week I thought that I was doing good when I was making the shorts but my good thoughts came to an end eventually and I made mistakes without knowing the mistake that I made 3 left legs for the shorts instead of making 2 opposite ones. so I ended up making a new one which will be the right side. my goal for next week is to help get the shorts done.
Week#11, Apr 23/2024, shorts part 4
Vocabulary word: bleach is a chemical that is used to remove the color from fabric it’s like a whiting.
For this week I did make Thumbnails for when I finish making the shirt that is my size I can add on it canoy and bleach. it’s like decorating it and adding patterns to it. Also, I finished my shorts and they looked so good I was so proud of finally finishing them even though I made 3 right legs out of them but now it looks like really shorts that can be worn.
Week#12, may1/2024, making a baseball t-shirt
Vocabulary word:
This week I worked on my thumbnails and tried to make something that looked good, and I also started working on the baseball jersey. This week was a short week, so we didn’t do much. We also played bingo and I won twice.
Week#13, may9/2024, making a baseball t-shirt pt.2
Vocabulary word:
This week I have been working on the baseball T-shirt I made some mistakes while making it and while doing the coler. But I did try my best finishing it before the end of the week but I wasn’t able to.
Week#14, may15/2024, making a baseball t-shirt pt.3
Vocabulary word:
This week I finally have finished my baseball T-shirt. I had some trouble making the sleeves because the fabric was really slippery type of fabric. So it was hard trying to pin it and getting it in the right way I wanted it to but on the end I finished the shirt and I was proud of it and how it turned out.
Week#15, may23/2024, Making a dress pt.1
Vocabulary word:
This week I’m working on my indveual project which I have decided that it’ll be a dress, I’m going to make it on my own size so while trasing it I needed to make the size custom so that gave me a hard time. but at least I got 2 parts done that are the front of the skirt and the back.
Week#16, may23/2024, Making a dress pt.2
Vocabulary word:
this week I tried to work on the dress but I don’t feel like so I asked massa to teach me how to crocheting so that’s what I did I also talked to the people around me while doing it.
Week#17, june6/2024
Vocabulary word:
This week I have done some crocheting massa had helped me learn some new stitches. I also am going to try to .ake something for my incuqyry project. Oh I also helped zheno with cutting and the steps when making the baseball T-shirt. I also tried to make a hat but I gave up on it because it was way to hard for me to keep the loops the same not too tight neither too loose.
Week#18, june13/2024
Vocabulary word:
this week I mostly spent my time on trying to find a design to embroidery for my inquiry project.
Week#19, june20/2024
Vocabulary word:
this week was the last week so I had to finish all of my projects and get ready for the summer which I was perfectly done everything by Thursday.