Saving Money

1. List 3 things you spend money on each month that would be fixed expenses.

  • Insurance
  • Mortgage/rent
  • Property taxes

2. List 3 things you spend money on each month that would be variable expenses.

  • New clothes
  • Entertainment
  • Eating out

3. If you needed to save some money, how could you change your spending?

You could use the “Pay Yourself First” method. To pay yourself first means; before you pay your bills, buy groceries, or anything else, set aside a portion of your income to save.

4. How much money could you save in a month without giving up too much?

Depending on how much money you make, you could put 10% of your weekly or monthly salary into a savings account.

Something I learned this week

This week, I learned about exponent laws, among many other things.

  • I learned how to multiply powers with the same base

When multiplying powers with the same base, you add the exponents.

Ex: 6^4\cdot6^8

= 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6

= 6^{12}

Another way to evaluate this:


= 4+8


  • I learned how to divide powers with the same bass

When dividing powers with the same base, you subtract the exponents.

Ex: 2^7\div2^4

= 7-4

= 2^3

  • And I learned about the power of a power

To raise a power of a power, you multiply the exponents.

Ex: (8^5)^3

= (8^5)(8^5)(8^5)

= 8^5+^5+^5

= 8^{15}

or: (8^5)^3

= (8^5)(8^5)(8^5)

= 8^5\cdot^3

= 8^{15}